I feel like this isn't that hard and my brain is just really dumb haha. you breed them together until you get a baby with 45 points in health AND melee. Females cannot mate again until a mating wait interval has passed (Cryofreezing them will still continue the mating interval cooldown). Baby carnivores are especially difficult to raise as it takes a minimum of 48 real hours to mature them, and a stack of meat spoils every 26.6 real hours (40 x 40 mins) in the feeding trough. Our first Melee mutation also had an Health mutation so at the lowest we will have to inject 2 extra Markers to get our melee back into the line. The only exception is the Reaper King, which can only be claimed by the survivor who "gave birth" to it; no other survivor including the birthgiver's tribe mates can claim it. The 2nd screenshot lists out: In this video I breed some mutations up, if you guys would like another video like this let me know in the comments or if you would like a mutation video abo. I understand that higher level dinos have higher base stats, but what's bothering me is the fact that babies born at the server tame lvl cap will be weaker due to them not being able to improve in stats afterwards, This is especially prevalent in stats like movement speed, where a dino's speed remains constant even after mutating said stat. When the above conditions are all met, a small red heart icon appears over the heads of the mating creatures, and a mating bar appears on the female's HUD (look at the female to reveal the HUD). and at official rates it could take 6 months to a year (guesstimated) to get your mutationsdepending on how creative you get with your breeding box to stack as many females into it as possible. Selective mutation breeding / mutation stacking. Argies prefer Stego Kibble). Are we certain that the variable for each stat is a single byte address? Note: The male creature's mutation counter will exceed 20. Breeding for Mutations in Ark Mobile! How to get mutations - YouTube The stat-calculator does not work in the mobile-view, see here for alternatives: Ringed Asteroid at - Space - in Genesis Ship, Ark Breeding Calculator (Web Application), This section is about content exclusive to the, This section is about a feature exclusively available on, of opposite sex (one male and one female), unburdened (the creatures must not be carrying so much weight they are unable to move), not having a mating cooldown (once mated females have a mating cooldown interval before they can mate again, the cooldown can also be triggered when transferring the creature between Arks). 1 / 14. The same stat may be affected twice (+4) or even three times (+6) if you are especially lucky! ARK For Dummies - Mutations - YouTube Search: Ark What Do Featherlights Eat After Tame. ARK Mobile News; ARK Mobile Forums; ARK Mobile Incident Report; More . Child1 inherited random stats, ChildMax only got the maximum values and ChildMin only got the lower values. im pretty new to breeding mutations and cant really find the answer. And do the offspring have the parents color if it is not mutated? Babies are not mountable and flee from fights. We've been breeding and selling goats since 2004. Arkdino is a web application to help ARK: Survival Evolved players calculate, Breeding calculator ,Food consumption , Food Timer ,Taming Calculator and more. I want it fast but not stupid fast plus I want the option to 100% imprint still. Once it reaches Juvenile however, it will stop randomly attacking and can be ordered like every other baby. I started breeding and then started researching about mutations, but I think I have only gotten 1 useful mutation through the whole process. Use a pool of 380 levels and place them in the dinos stats like you would if you could just program the dino into ARK. You can mate your mutated male with any females as long as they have 0/40 markers; their stats doesn't matter. For each offspring up to three mutations can occur, each with a 2.5% chance, assuming both parents are eligible to receive a mutation. Baby tame creatures (from breeding, not from stolen eggs e.g. I have been continuing to breed sabers and learning. Most creatures can be bred; those few that cannot are listed at the bottom of this article. I'm not saying the same thing, at all. I'm pretty sure that with my method i'm much faster to produce lot of good stats dinos with same speed catching new mutations as I would seperate them. Please everyone feel free to explain/discuss. 1-I know you're looking for mutated male babies so the process becomes easier since you can breed them with multiple perfect females at a time to speed it up, but I saw a youtuber doing both a male health mutation line and a female . breeding history and mutation stats are available and a 20/20 mutation rule apllies, which in all likelyhood applies to mobile also. Casual breeders will start mixing mutations lines sooner than later then stop, committed breeders will keep feeding tribe better and better dinos spayed or neutered to use while they improve them all the time and guard their breeding stock like fanatics Good tribes love to have a committed breeder as a member, but hate the loss of dino slotslol. However, they all have the downside of providing negative Heat Tolerance, making careful management necessary, or going to colder areas to make the gap between cold resistance and heat resistance bigger. Nice mutation, like I mentioned every egg hatched has a small chance for a mutation, the guide is to manage and maximize mutation over a long time without hitting the 20/20 mutations block thus breeding super dinos eventually. Babies hatched from Egg-only taming (with the exception of Deinonychus) only take a specific food until they fully mature. once the desired number of mutations are achieved the lines can be cross bred. See calc for RandomMutationCount and RandomMutationCountMate at.[1]. *Now has icons for creatures and items. Can you breed past 20 mutations :: ARK: Survival Evolved General pretty sure that's how you do it too. So, oh let's say, after 4 attempts of breeding your generation 0 male and female a baby female is born with the best stats from both parents and it is born level 52 (not level 44 like parents) this is because levels of dino are determined by Level 1 Base Stats plus the random level-ups you have now just combined the highest random level-ups from both parents into 1 baby so its level will be higher than parent and this is your First Generation 1 key breeder and the backbone of your breeding program. Mutations are random stat boosts and color changes applied to offspring when breeding tamed creatures. . Note that the levels a wild animal wastes in the movement stat is remembered and passed on during breeding. Anyone can claim a newborn. Hello everyone, I've been watching some breeding videos on YouTube cause I want to begin some serious mass-breeding, I've one doubt : should I imprint every baby or not? Food consumption by babies is very large and varies by the maturation progress dynamically by the following formula: The basic food drain rate varies per creature. (I don't speak spanish). Poodle Puppies Wichita KsDog for Sale (wichita ks) pic hide this if it's a female, it's bred with a non mutated male until a mutated male is made. And i breed those 2 with eachother will the baby dino get both 40 mutations . The resulting level of the baby is the sum of wild level-points (i.e. Copyright 2022 Studio Wildcard. So I would use the prior acquired knowledge on taming the proper dinos getting the stats as I desired. Breeding, to imprint or not to imprint. Displayed are only the wild levels (the ones that can be inherited). In short, to mathematically maximize your mutating process, you want the following results for health: Now that you have 20 mutations into health and 20 into melee that are "real" you can combine them and get a 40/40 baby because at this point your chance to mutate already been halved. This means that an offspring can have higher values than its parents in stats that get a bonus from taming effectiveness (for most creatures this is Melee Damage and sometimes Food). The mating interval starts after the creature has laid the egg or gestation has completed. r/ARK 20 days ago. Ark Color Id List -. A mutation always means a stat+color, not one or Original, Tek, Aberrant, X, and R variants of creatures count as separate species, and as such, cannot be cross-bred. Burns, KS This handsome Poodle is ready to romp thru your life with happiness and laughter! See Sterile Creatures for more information. Perfect Taming is when you tame perfect tranked dino with best possible efficiency losing no taming levels, this is only achievable by using the correct kibble/super kibble and usually soothing balm to speed up tame time (e.g. Best to do each stat separately, then merge at the end. Ark: Survival Evolved | Breeding and Mutations for Dummies (Simple Oxygen, Food, Weight, and Speed. Ark: Survival Evolved is largely focused on getting getting the best possible Dinos for yourself and your tribe. The first and potentially not the last Idiot's Guide to ARK video. Speed levelup was disabled in the creature's inventory, but melee was leveled an additional 11 times without issue. All creatures are limited on Official Servers to level 449 or less so every level counts. Every new color mutation that appeared in the process was kept, so in the end there were around 200+ Rex's of every color imaginable on each color region. Mutations are random stat boosts and color changes applied to offspring when breeding tamed creatures. If you have already tamed your creature you can try to recover the breeding stats with an external tool. In this way, you can achieve mass breeding in an area without ever building a pen, or moving creatures. . Green values on a high-level creature are very good for breeding. Rabbit Population By Season Gizmo Pdf - mpl.barettobeltrade.it Todays daily pursuit was breed parasaurs. Newborn creatures are simply claimed (imprinted on) and do not require the usual taming processes associated with wild creatures. If the "source" parent is valid, then the 2.5% chance is evaluated. Taming calculations Knockout calculations, food amounts, narcotic amounts, and time for both knockout and passive taming. Step 3: If the offspring has the desired mutation and is a male, it replaces the Base Male Breeder. This isn't an issue as long as you continue to use females with a combined mutation counter less than 20. for boss fight or pvp dinos, extra points in anything other than health and/or melee may hurt you due to the 450 level cap, but not everyone has to worry about that. This is not an option for live birth creatures, so make sure to time the mating and gestation appropriately. Started mutating recently, I already got a perfect pair and started breeding them. 3. Breeding is a feature of ARK: Survival Evolved that allows players to breed improved creatures through Eggs with non-mammals and gestation with mammals. HOW TO BREED FOR STATS AND MUTATIONS! All Activity; My Activity Streams . [breeding] Breeding and mutations - General Discussion - ARK - Official Let's talk mutations now before we get to Generation 2 Breeding as it is possible that a mutation can occur while you breeding your Generation 0 Wild tames or your Generation 1 and Generation 0 parent to create your same stat perfect pair. Compare stats and colors of both parents, the pre-leveling stats to be exact. Some of the creatures will only mate when certain conditions are given. By using Fish Meat, this time is doubled to 53.3 hours (40 x 80 mins), although Raw Fish Meat is only half as nutritious as Raw Meat, so babies will need twice as much meat. so I'll breed for health/stam/oxy/food/weight/melee on most things. @SingleSidedPCBand @invincibleqcwere talking about breeding for mutations. However, in the real world all reptiles, fish, crustaceans, snails, whales, and Trilobites and Dung Beetles are able to breed. The (practically impossible to reach) maximum of levels a baby can get would be 223 levelups (149 natural + 74 by taming bonus (TE of nearly 100%)) in each stat, with 7 stats summing up to level 1562 (223 levelups in 7 stats plus the startinglevel: 223 x 7 + 1 = 1562). So knowing this and you want to become a breeder know that STATS is Everything! Exceptions are inside Ice & Swomp Caves where higher level dinos spawn. I will always recommend to keep your stats separated and never duplicate markers until you have 20 that are mutations in the stat you are looking for. So Now I have three rexes each one has 20 markers/mutations in their respected stat. Do you have one that you use? (Or maybe I am, I'm bad to explain things or understand them) You don't want to have all your stats together. The spawn of two dinosaurs will inherit the "natural" stat levels of its parents. I will always recommend to keep your stats separated and never duplicate markers until you have 20 that are mutations in the stat you are looking for. All rights reserved. Ok so I keep breeding until I get 20 markers/mutations in HP. I truley hope this answeres a few quetions out there and give some of you a better understanding about breeding and if your wondering the process to breeding a crazy good or even super dino take a lot longer than days or weeks it will take months and even years on official servers that dont have breeding multipliers. breeding history and mutation stats are available and a 20/20 mutation rule apllies, which in all likelyhood applies to mobile also. Yes, they are saved as such so if you spawn this: But I don't care for the mutation count, so I will just breed baby with my other overmutated females or males until I will get new male with both stats. The more specialized a creature is in one stat, the higher it can be. This means you have a certain percent chance of obtaining a 100% perfect (meaning with only the higher stats of both parents) creature from both parents from each mating. After progression to Juvenile phase, the creatures can eat from a trough, but will starve if not fed. (May require taming a few low level Rex's and breeding them together to get 0's in all of the stats). Baby Griffins prefer to be secure to feel safe. The first step of breeding is having two opposite sex creatures of the same species for mating. breed the females with 1 male until a mutation in the desired stat occurs, and that mutated baby replaces the male. With the release of Genesis: Part 2, the introduction of the Egg Incubator (Genesis: Part 2) allows for yet another way to incubate eggs. When considering creatures as potential parents, if the creature's combined mutation counters (Matrilineal + Patrilineal) is greater than 20, then any potential mutations which have that parent as the source (Step 3 above) will automatically fail. I think. HOW TO BREED FOR STATS AND MUTATIONS! ARK: Mobile Beginner's - YouTube By combining your stats for mutating purpose you ends up with ghost markers which results into twice as more eggs needed to mutate a specific stat. The real "limit" for mutations is 255 pts per stat. I dont need the family tree, just to know where I am at on the 20/20. The 'penalty' for doing so, is that the mutations stack (even if it's the same animal appearing on both sides in the ancestry), and if you mate two animals with 20/20 mutations, their offspring won't get any new mutations, as far as I know. Use one or more Air Conditioner, Dimetrodon, Kairuku or Otter. This is less of an issue for herbivores, because a stack of 100 berries lasts 66 real hours (2.7 days) before spoiling, a much more manageable interval. The colours will always resemble either or a mix of the parents if not mutated. It is possible to use the Dino Leash, to restrict the range for mating. So far my results have been really good, but I am always trying to improve. But you have also 2x less chance to hit good stat for mutation, because you want exactly 1 stat. So I had one male that I bred with multiple females & mutations started to arise. Billy Goats $325 (Hanson) $1,000 Oct 13 Kinder goats $1,000 (BENTON) Oct 12 Nigerian . My mammoth line randomly mutated while trying to set up gen 1 on a male and now it's going to be a pain to keep correctly. Ark Breeding Calculator - Ark Dino Super Kibble (Bronto Egg) is a type of Kibble exclusive to ARK: Survival Evolved Mobile. As the baby grows, you will be able to leave the baby alone for longer and longer periods of time. If there was a variable length cap, then it would alter the stats in 1 of 3 different ways: 1: Capping any overflow at the maximum value (The most expected outcome in this scenario): 255 levels in every overflowed stat, 2: Dropping overflowed digits (Typically from the high side, though possible from the low side of the number): Oxygen would be either 17 levels (low side dropped) or 07 levels (high side dropped), 3: Overflowing repeatedly until it no longer overflows with the remainder being the final number. Im newerto Ark and I was breeding some pteranodon and got my first mutation and was wondering what the color mutation is and is there a way to see what mutation it is? All this is true because a mutation adds +2 wild levels to a random stat, mutates a color region at random, and ticks up the mutation counter. if when breeding your example rexes above together, say you get a female with a mutation. Copyright 2022 Studio Wildcard. I have tried some of the stat calculators that are used for other platforms of ARK, but they do not seem to correlate well. All rights reserved. this way the mutations . Every time an unconscious dino take damage its taming efficiency will decrease thus you will start losing taming level. Eggs do not have an owner, so it's possible to steal eggs laid by other survivors' creatures. That means looking for a dino between levels150-160 to tame with max effectivness, in order to get a dino at 225-240 level. 380 + 70 max post tame levels = 450 max total level. This may be more helpful if one survivor is constantly whistling not to move, and another survivor enables the creatures nearby to wander. To make Basic Kibble, combine Extra Small Egg, . Lots of Dino's don't use all colour regions sometimes the mutation rolls into a region they don't have. In this example the levels of Stamina are the same for both parents, so you cannot tell which one the offspring inherited. the Bloodstalker gains only 10 for each raw meat. near the coast) and heat the egg with torches, rather than trying to cool down a hot biome. Like i said before, the mutation counter is just a counter. If this check fails, this mutation iteration is complete and a new iteration (if any are left) begins at #2. Due to server lag and game mechanics, the mating bar does not continuously update in real time. The stats I wont be able to figure out due to adding some in one of them. Seems like it makes a difference and I am very OCD/Analytical on how I do things. what's the limit for stacking mutations. : r/arkmobile Bro, I have been playing on a PvE and PvX hard servers for over 6 months and I have max tames that are stuck on level 450. But wait our baby has 3 markers but only carry 2 Health mutations and didn't get the mutated melee passed on. I'll also be doing this in the other two stats I am interested in from prior example of wanting HP, Stam, and Melee. Consume Mult. Any imprinting done is permanent. This happens when the count would have exceeded 2,147,483,647. Newborn creatures are simply claimed (imprinted on) and do not require the usual taming processes associated with wild creatures. The higher levelup is displayed in bold. Assigning a Parent as Source of Mutation. The reason the numbers are given as X/20 is explained below. 1 hr 39 min : 4 hr 37 min : 18 hr 31 min : 23 hr 8 min : 1 day 21 hr 50 min : Anglerfish. I reallyoverthink stuff my apologies. Our boer goat herd has generations of proven genetics that will ensure they will produce quality offspring. This of course reduces (by approximately 50%) the already-slim chances of a mutation actually occurring so if you want the full 7.31% chance of at least one mutation, both parents must be <20. ARK Mobile. The above is the scenario when a player uses soothing balm + preferred kibble. 2 mutation breeding questions : r/ARK - reddit.com Use only females with 0 mutations to stack. Munster Bovine is Ireland's market leader in cattle breeding and herd management services. Warning: Pets set on aggressive attack unclaimed creatures as soon as they are hatched/born. ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Step 2: When a level 302 offspring appears, check it's stats. For all intents and purposes these negative numbers are still less than the maximum of 20, therefore a male with a negative mutation count can be bred with a female with a < 20 mutation count and be eligible for the 7.31% chance of a mutation occurring. the Argentavis) can carry babies, which allows you to quickly reposition the little ones if needed. Breeding is a way of showing you are quite well-off on The Ark, from having the resources needed to incubate and egg and keep the baby alive, and having enough dinos to establish a decent bloodline in which mutations can occur. This includes both sedentary and migratory populations. Breeding - ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki Ancestors and mutations :: ARK: Survival Evolved General Discussions