5 Ways - Using Boric Acid To Kill Roaches, Does Bleach Kill Cockroaches? *Blood concentrations increased from <0.0950.36 g/g B to a peak of 9.519 g/g B WB 25 minutes later. Boric acid powder and dust have a long-term effect if kept dry. (It is worth noting, however, that boric acid is banned in the UK even for pest control purposes.) It works by affecting the cockroach's nervous system, temporarily paralyzing it and causing it to flip onto its back. Symptoms include fever, headache, weakness, fatigue and painfully swollen lymph nodes. There is no consistent conclusive evidence. Boric acid is absorbed through the skin and can be harmful if swallowed. Boric acid is an awesome roach killer for 3 reasons: These are the reasons why boric acid is one of the best natural roach killers you can buy! Despite the name, it is not an acid but a natural compound present in the environment. The absolute amounts consumed orally in adults or the equivalent in animals associated with adverse effects seem much larger than the individual 600-mg IBA treatments used daily or BID (even if those were to be 100% absorbedIBA may not be), and indeed healthy volunteers who ate or had comparable doses of around 600 mg BA injected IV experienced ill effects. S.T. Boil four eggs and remove the egg yolks. Studies show that some populations of cockroaches have learned how to avoid glucose since its typically used in commercial bait. My baby is perfectly healthy smiling, and was right on her due date with no issues! This is another way to reduce the swelling. Surprisingly my doctor said it was okay to use at a half dose so basically fill the capsules half way and insert them because technically your vagina is external (now that makes sense Im not sure) but she said the vagina is outside of the inner body so its not toxic to insert capsules. However, it is still a poison and could pose a threat to adults, children, and pets. Isotretinoin96s is associated with birth defects in any amountprescribers and patients are held to special requirements to ensure pregnancy avoidance. Did you wind up using it and did it effect the birth or the baby? We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. To make boric balls (used as roach bait) I use 1/2 cup of flour, 1/2 cup of boric acid, 1/4 cup of sugar, and 1/4 cup of milk. I did use boric acid!! Get Rid Of German Roaches FOR GOOD - Using Boric Acid - Worst Roach Infestation. Roaches can learn to avoid your bait overtime. 4. To insert the suppository, start by washing your hands and outside of vagina with mild soap before lying down on back to gently bend knees while legs are slightly apart in order Insert 1/2 inch deep into cavity under . While boric acid is generally considered safe for use by pregnant women, there is some concern that it may be harmful to the developing fetus. You dont want to clean away the treatment. Fig. In the case of cockroaches, eggs develop in an egg sac, called an ootheca. There were 13 major malformations (vs. 7.4 expected), yielding a standardized relative risk ratio (SRR) of 1.75 (95% CI, 0.942.94). Boric acid is a powder that is made by combining boron and water. A protocol for a randomized IBA trial for BV treatment has been described,11 and a phase 2 trial of an IBA-containing product for the treatment of BV and VVC was recently published.12 Several trials of IBA-based products are registered on ClinicalTrials.gov, including twice-weekly use for BV suppression.13. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2006; 93:5556. When you get back home, open all windows possible in order to air the entire house. I was Told Diflucan is on the No list for safe medications while pregn. When the cockroach cleans itself, it will ingest a good amount of the powder. A female cockroach can begin to reproduce as soon as she reaches adulthood. Many pest management professionals have experience working with boric acid because, as Mallis states, "there is no known resistance" to it despite use for several decades. Studies of birth outcomes in women consuming boron in drinking water are mixed and may be limited by confounders; it is unclear how well these chronic daily exposures throughout pregnancy would relate to the short-term or intermittent exposure resulting from IBA regimens. The mixture comes in a bottle, and you can use it straight out of the packet. Use baits. Zeron Mullins M, Trouton KM. Apply a sticky trap to have a good look at exactly what youre dealing with. Vaginal boric acid will not prevent pregnancy and should not be used as a form of birth control. Boric acid is a substance found in small crystals in the tissues of insects such as roaches, ants, ticks, and spiders. If you are dealing with heavy infestation, do not expect results sooner. Here, a pregnant German cockroach carries her purse-shaped, light brown egg case, called an ootheca. 12. Pour this mixture into a sprayer or squeezable bottle and spray it on areas where you have seen the roaches. Herein, we reviewed the literature to answer 2 key questions: (1) What are the data on the safety of IBA use for women? The powder is fast acting; insects coming into contact with the boric acid will die within 72 hours. I have a 19 month old and am 8 weeks pregnant. Powell A, Ghanem KG, Rogers L, et al. How long does it take boric acid to kill roaches? The estimated half-life was 21 hours. Omg !!! In 1888, there was a report of toxicity in 3 women from IBA packs.52s The author described treating chronic leucorrhoea (heavy vaginal discharge) by packing 1 to 2 oz of BA into the upper one-third of the vagina, tamponing it for 2 to 3 days until liquefaction occurred, then using a moderately hot douche to clean it out, 1 to 2 times per week. They are fast, difficult to catch, and will enter your home at will! An easy way to apply a perfect amount is to use a dusting bulb. This study found 19 congenital abnormalities in the offspring of 253 mothers who used BA in the first 16 weeks. It appears we have a roach infestation developing in our house. I was told not to use it while pregnant by midwife. In extreme cases, boric acid can lead to kidney failure. No adverse effects were seen in animals fed 350 ppm boron equivalent daily for 2 years, but conversion to B/kg is uncertain. For best results, you want to apply just enough that the powder is barely visible. and (2) What are the data on the safety of IBA use in pregnancy? Family Care Insect & Mosquito Repellent I, Smooth & Dry Bug Spray for the Beach. They thrive in dark and damp places, and their favorite in-home living and breeding grounds are under sinks and refrigerators. Roaches groom themselves regularly to remove debris from their feet. This will not be harmful to you or the baby. Resources for your journey. ), so use that to your advantage. The authors report that most women used 60 mg BA daily for 7 days (standard dosing is 600 mg). However, because others have comprehensively reviewed extensive literature relating to oral ingestion and nonvaginal topical or environmental exposure to BA/boron,65s,69s,70s we summarized only key articles on these topics. The young will die as soon as they walk on the boric acid. Both of these elements work wonders in killing roaches. If you want to stop roaches from populating, I recommend using IGRs. Other pests that are affected by boric acid are mice and ants. In fact, boric acid was first registered in the U.S. for use with insecticide in 1948. Vacuum up any remaining boric acid and clean all the areas where the powder was applied with a wet rag, the next morning. This way youll limit the access they have to your skin. B indicates boron; N/A, not applicable; WB, whole blood. I would ask a holistic Dr opinion. How Does Boric Acid Kill Roaches? Keep trash outside in a tightly sealed garbage can/refuse box. You need to wear long sleeves and no shorts. It will be expensive, but they will do all the work, whilst making sure you are safe in the process. You can purchase boric acid from any local hardware shop or a grocery store. Is It Safe To Spray For Roaches While Pregnant? Cracks and crevices where cockroaches can enter the home should be sealed. So if cockroaches are still coming into your home, you need to be vigilant and close off any cracks that might allow the bugs to enter. You can also apply aloe vera. These things are natural ways to repel bugs that are in no way harmful to a pregnant woman. Intravaginal boric acid (IBA) has been used for decades to treat vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) and bacterial vaginosis (BV).13 Intravaginal boric acid represents one of the few available options for azole-resistant Candida,46 is a treatment of last resort for nitroimidazole-resistant trichomoniasis (TV; 4%10% of TV isolates show some nitroimidazole resistance6,7),5,810 and is included as part of multiple national guidelines (Table 1) for infectious vaginitis. If you see any similar symptoms in yourself or your pets, you need to consult a doctor or vet. You can use boric acid along with bait and traps. Increased skeletal abnormalities were observed in the offspring of pregnant rats treated with this amount or more. Two women using IBA in their second and third months of pregnancy had children with neural tube defects (prevalence odds ratio, 8.0 [95% CI, 1.737.8]). Continue with Recommended Cookies, Cockroach 5 Ways Using Boric Acid To Kill Roaches. Watch on. Here are some of the simple ways in which you can use this compound to get rid of roaches: The most direct way is to spray the boric acid in areas where roaches usually roam. Boric acid for roaches is a go-to method of killing roaches that your grandmother and mother likely used. and S.T. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Boric acid kills cockroaches within three days of coming into contact with it. Dust a thin layer of the boric acid powder into the cracks around cabinets and baseboards. For baits, cup of boric acid is typically enough to make several bait batches. 18. Comments: -There is no data on use in pregnant women to know this drugs risks, including the risk of fetal harm or reproductive effects. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. Please try after some time. Add sugar to achieve the desired consistency. While cockroaches do not directly harm us, they carry several dangerous pathogens and microbes that cause diseases in humans. Table 1 [https://links.lww.com/OLQ/A752] and Suppl. Boric acid is not as strong as some chemicals used for pest control. Boric acid is a relatively safe (it is a poison though) and effective pest control method for treating roach infestation in and around your house. Summary: Available information suggests low systemic absorption of IBA based on 600 mg suppositories. Received for publication April 26, 2021, and accepted September 14, 2021. Reported toxic or fatal ingestion amounts are also variable. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The bug ingests this dust when cleaning itself, which . While not as potent as commercial roach baits, Boric Acid has been proven to be fairly effective against troublesome insects like termites and ants, a lot of homeowners are using the boric acid roach killer to rid their homes of roaches. 1. Because cockroaches aren't picky when it comes to food, they will often eat dead roaches. These are all common hiding places and areas where you should set traps for roaches. Boric acid is a crystalline material made from borax. Much of acute human toxicity data relates to case series of reported accidental or purposeful oral ingestion, often in children,56s58s,61s of BA-containing insecticides or cleaning products.57s,59s,61s Orally ingested BA seems to be nearly 100% systemically absorbed,63s,64s although quickly renally excreted. Before you begin treating your home boric acid, it is best to determine what type of roach you have. Available at: 15. Our boric acid is a fine powder which helps it easily disperse. With low exposure and occasional use while unlikely to cause a risk to an unborn child in the later stages scientists simply dont have enough information available to them to make a clear indication as to whether or not it can be linked to instances of childhood developmental issues, instances of cancer or other health concerns. It's believed that killing a pregnant cockroach causes the mother to release all of her eggs. Once the roaches consume borax, it makes its way into their nervous and digestive systems, killing them within 24 hours. If used correctly, boric acid is one of the most effective cockroach control agents available. So you shouldnt just randomly place them around your home. The cockroach will then die from dehydration. Many things can kill roaches. This boric acid product by Petonx is made up of 99% pure boric acid that not only works in killing roaches, it is also highly effective in preventing and removing algae. Apr 13, 2019 | All, Pest Control, Roaches, Safety, Tips And Tricks | 0 comments. The level of exposure from IBA is likely much lower; however, trying to relate animal data to the human scenario is limited, in part, by uncertainty regarding systemic absorption of IBA under conditions of inflammation. Is It Safe To Spray For Roaches While Pregnant? For example, a search on a large Internet retailer reveals >20 brands of boric acid (BA)containing vaginal suppositories, marketed for indications ranging from vaginal odor, discharge, and dryness to VVC, BV, and dyspareunia or correcting vaginal pH. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Roaches regularly groom by running their antennae through their mouths and eyes. Make sure it is mixed thoroughly. Compared to other harsh chemicals, boric acid is relatively safe unless ingested. Roaches need water. You have to be careful with this, though. The Scary Truth About, Sudden Appearance Of Cockroaches? Borax is a combination of sodium, boron and oxygen and is mined from the soil. When you kill a pregnant cockroach, the eggs will die with it. Remove and clean the pan that collects the defrost water under the refrigerator. You should also avoid inhaling it, as it may cause nausea, headache or vomiting. Please copy/paste the following text to properly cite this HowStuffWorks.com article: Boric acid is harmful to humans if consumed. Borax Vs boric acid all ups and downs will be present below. Intravaginal boric acid (IBA) represents one of the only options available to treat azole-resistant vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) and is included as part of multiple national guidelines (including the United Kingdom and the United States) for the treatment of VVC or recurrent bacterial vaginosis. Toxicity and safety issues aside, given widespread availability (and direct to consumer marketing for a variety of indications [some nonspecific or unsupported by studies]), IBA may potentially be overused by healthy women for perceived problems. Here are some of the foods that they love the most . Using Boric Acid To Kill Cockroaches 5 Ways, 5 Ways Of Using Boric Acid To Kill Cockroaches. Few data on the safety of longer-term or suppressive regimens prescribed are available, although significant toxicities have not been reported.3,8,9 Of note, the 600-mg dose of IBA is largely arbitraryno dose-range studies to evaluate safety or efficacy have ever been performed; mechanisms of action are uncertain, although under investigation90s92s; and there are no accepted standardized susceptibility tests for vaginal pathogens such as yeast or trichomonas. Borax is deadly to roaches when consumed. It is safe to use boric acid while on your period, but if you are not comfortable, you can wait until your period ends to use boric acid again. Borax has been a household item for a little over a century. Also, if you are a good shot, you should be targeting direct hits on a roach! We considered data on borates and elemental boron: BA (H3BO3) is a borate compound resulting when boron combines with oxygen.15 For BA consumed orally or applied topically, absorbed boron can be measured in the blood. Sex Transm Dis 2009; 36:732734. When the cockroach ingests the boric acid, it starts to dehydrate and dies within 72 hours. Ingesting large amounts of boric acid can be fatal. However, IBA is not a Food and Drug Administrationapproved drug, and safety data are sparse. receives royalties from UPTODATE. I was struggling with the same problem . A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of TOL-463 Insert for Suppression of Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) [SUBVert] [Internet]. Some error has occurred while processing your request. Your email address will not be published. Boric acid is in powdery form, so you need to apply it without creating a mess. Although limited, oral toxicity studies suggest that the amount of IBA required to induce significant toxicity in women would likely be more than the intravaginal doses commonly described in the literature as being prescribed by clinicians to healthy adults with normal renal function. J.D.S. Vaginal boric acid is not recommended for use by anyone younger than 12 years old, unless directed by your doctor. 5. A good rule of thumb is to keep your bait proportions at least 1:1. She instructed me to use it 2-3 times a week at night, excluding my fertile week. Boric acid does have a few weaknesses, though. * 13. But, I wouldnt recommend this method as its not as effective. Marchaim D, Lemanek L, Bheemreddy S, et al. Local Store. 29. 5 Ways Using Boric Acid To Kill Roaches, Using Boric Acid To Kill Cockroaches - 5 Ways, 11 Scents You Should Consider Using To Repel Roaches, Does Bleach Kill Cockroaches? The Effects of Boric Acid on Roaches. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. This is when the baby is developing its neural tube and nervous system. If you cant find it in-store, online retailers like Amazon are full of boric acid options. In particular, DE will eliminate 60% of roaches within 24 hours, 80% within 48 hours, and a 100% mortality rate at one week. One last thing boric acid kills roaches, but it doesnt deter them! You will begin to notice a significant decline in the number of roaches in your home after applying boric acid. Step 4 - Check up Each week, inspect the treated areas for further evidence of cockroaches. Of course, as we mentioned, use a repellent that has been tested and registered. Not spraying for roaches is unhealthier for you and the baby than spraying for roaches. One tip is to make balls of tasty food for the roaches. It stops infestations by making adult roaches unable to reproduce. You should be rid of the roaches. Roaches usually come out at night. If juvenile roaches are unable to grow into reproductive adults, their population will eventually die. Treat hidden spaces, such as underneath the fridge or behind furniture. Boric acid is a natural chemical that can be used to kill cockroaches. The program pays this website advertising fees for products purchased after users click the links to Amazon. The different possible applications when treating cockroaches include: Of the list, I recommend using boric acid along with IGRs and sticky traps. You could leave trays of boric acid water in areas where you have noticed roach activity, as they will be drawn to these. Theyre filthy with excrement and vomit and can cause illness by way of direct contact. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. It should only be used as a vaginal suppository when prescribed by a health care provider. When described in the literature as prescribed by clinicians, IBA is most commonly used as a 600 mg suppository for 14 days for acute VVC; 600 mg twice weekly used even over years has been used for VVC or BV suppression,3 and 600 mg twice daily (BID) for up to 2 months for resistant TV810 (Table 1, footnote). Has anyone had experience with boric acid while pregnant? I found some websites that say it may be harmful to unborn children, but those are mostly chemical lab sheets. However, in a case series of large amounts of BA oral ingestion, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea were common.57s,61s In more severe cases, patients exhibited blue-green emesis, central nervous system depression, fever, headache, an erythematous boiled lobster desquamating skin rash, weakness, cyanosis, and renal failure.57s59s,61s,62s However, most (70%80%) of those with reported ingestions were asymptomatic.57s,61s Case series have not reliably established a threshold blood boron level or a threshold BA ingestion amount consistently leading to toxicity or death (Table 2). Authorities indicate that it should be used minimally and in conjunction with other measures such as covering up with long sleeves, long pants, socks, covered shoes, and an overall cautious approach. DEET, Picaridin and IR3535 are the top three-rated products to be used by women that are the safest and should be used to repel bugs. Any signs of droppings or discarded skin are a good thing. You'll find the boric acid in grocery and hardware stores. It likewise can be purchased online from a variety of websites dedicated to pest control or do-it-yourself home remedies. The domino effect that this technique creates makes it an effective remedy to get rid of cockroach infestations. Workowski K. Centers for Disease Control STI Treatment Guidelines 2021 [Internet]. This was a narrative rather than a systematic review, only conducted through 2019. Boric acid is commonly used as a natural insecticide for killing cockroaches and other bugs around the home. It's sometimes called orthoboric acid, hydrogen borate or boracic acid. Often the roach takes the bait home and introduces it to the rest of the family. So Im currently 11 weeks pregnant and Ive been struggling with a really bad yeast infection. Female rats weighed 206248 g in this study, ~10,000297,000 mg BA (individual weights of patients not reported), Toxicity, no deaths. Igra reported that in 180 pregnant women living in the Andes,78s there was a statistically significant decrease in birth length and weight when maternal blood boron levels increased.44s One criticism, although the authors attempted to adjust for it, was that the water supply also contained high levels of lithium, which was independently associated with a decrease in birth weights.79s Finally, Duydu79s found no differences in birth outcomes in boron exposed women in Turkey comparing those with low, medium, and high blood boron levels (Suppl. You can, however, kill baby roaches the minute they hatch by applying boric acid on the ootheca. 28. Many things attract roaches to your home, so use that knowledge to understand where you need to put the boric acid. Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security. Boric acid kills cockroaches within three days of coming into contact with it. Its also commonly used in laundry and as a cleaning and deodorizing product. However, there is a high likelihood that the insects that were in contact with boric acid will bring it also to the vicinity of the eggs. 3. Global burden of recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis: A systematic review. may email you for journal alerts and information, but is committed Eliminate and Prevent Roaches Eliminate Boric acid is guaranteed to kill all types and ages of roaches. It is a popular and cost-effective remedy to eliminate roaches and their infestations. It may take longer to rid yourself of the roach problem but it is a non-toxic approach and will eventually see your home roach free. Im wanting to use boric acid for a couple days just to wipe this thing out entirely but there arent enough studies showing it is entirely safe to use without miscarrying. Always follow instructions when using boric acid, as it is a poison and can cause health problems, especially if ingested. Spread a thin layer of Borax powder or dust in high traffic areas. It can only work if a cockroach crawls through it and has the powder all over its legs and body. So, having an infestation when pregnant could be dangerous for your breathing, and thus your child. This was shown in one study in which 3 men drank 750 mg BA dissolved in water; 3 more ate 740 to 1473 mg BA.63s Boric acid was rapidly excreted in the urine, showing 100% oral bioavailabilty. The professional will let you know how long you will need to stay out of your home until the pesticide has completely dissipated. Learn how we can help Reviewed Mar 10, 2021 Thank Dr. Susan Rhoads agrees 1 thank A 19-year-old female asked: In addition, the powder will cling to the outside of the roach, helping to kill other roaches when the affected roach returns to the colony. The powder will get stuck to their body, and when they ingest it, the boric acid will kill them. You can use boric acid in several ways to kill cockroaches. Step 1: Determine areas where pest is infesting or most active. When applying boric acid, remember to use a face mask and gloves for safety. Boric acid kills roaches within a few hours of consumption. Here we take a look at boric acid and how you can use it to kill cockroaches. Asemota OA, Nyirjesy P, Fox R, et al. High-level oral exposure to BA in animals is teratogenic. 5) Petonx 99% Pure BORIC Acid. Boric acid is a poison to cockroaches because it destroys their digestive system. There are natural ways that can deter roaches, such as tea tree oilor mothballs. If the roach enters the trap, the boric acid is just another thing that will kill them! There are alternatives to using store-bought insecticide products inside the home if you are pregnant. Despite limitations, available evidence suggests IBA use at dosages commonly described in the literature is likely safe for women, at least those with normal renal function. All you need to do is mix one teaspoon of peanut butter for every two tablespoons of Borax. On page e243, second column, last paragraph, there is an error in the last sentence. It may not have a fast killing action but it is definitely much safer to health and more environmentally friendly. Sobel JD, Vazquez JA. Don't use glue products -- roaches eat glue. This takes close inspection, because they can squeeze through the smallest of spaces. There are the precautions you need to take: Surprisingly, insect repellent is safe for you women and your unborn child if it is used as intended, but you certainly dont wish to bathe in it, so dont over-spray. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2004; 190:644653. Use of IBA is already widespread and may increase further as drug resistance in VVC and TV rises, or if new trials12,13 prove efficacious. There is one hidden ingredient they wont enjoy not in the long to medium term anyhow. Boric acid is such a joint household cleaning agent that it is easy to purchase. No data on other obstetric complications were available. Boric acid is toxic to cockroaches and several other common household pests. There are many ways to get rid of roaches, but boric acid is the only natural remedy known. Boric acid is a weak acid (pKa = 9.15), existing in aqueous solutions at or below pH 7 as undissociated boric acid. Insects, especially mosquitos, love heat and carbon dioxide. Youll also want to apply boric acid under appliances, kitchen, and bathroom cabinets. Now, here I am giving you all the info I have learned! and (2) What are the data on the safety of IBA use in pregnancy? Iavazzo C, Gkegkes ID, Zarkada IM, et al. In another study, 562 to 611 mg BA was administered to human males intravenously (IV) for 20 minutes.64s No volunteer in either study experienced ill effects. Boric acid is fine and safe to use in pregnancy as long as the cervix is still closed. If a cockroach eats or makes contact with boric acid, it'll severely damage its nervous and digestion systems. When used properly, boric acid can take out a lot of cockroaches. Keep food off tables and counters. When you call, let the service provider know up front that you are pregnant. Acs et al.28 reported data from the Hungarian Case Control Surveillance of Congenital Abnormalities of 19801996. Purchase boric acid insecticide at your local drugstore, such as Walgreens. Cockroaches dont typically groom themselves until they are in the harborage area, which works well to your advantage. Boric Acid Suppositories How To Use. 3 Step Guide Using Borax To Kill Bed Bugs. to maintaining your privacy and will not share your personal information without Boric acid can kill cockroaches due to hydrogen and sodium borate salts (boron). Boric acid is an efficient way to kill roaches when used appropriately. While this mix is highly toxic to cockroaches, it is relatively harmless to humans and pets. 22. We abstracted data from all available articles regarding use of IBA. Overall, lack of reported toxicities despite use of IBA for inflammatory conditions such as VVC is reassuring. The small, itchy, raised bump their bites leave behind are more irritating than harmful, but scratching them can lead to infection. I just popped one in . Mittelstaedt, Rachel MD; Kretz, Alyssa BA; Levine, Michael MD; Handa, Victoria L. MD, MHS; Ghanem, Khalil G. MD, PhD; Sobel, Jack D. MD; Powell, Anna MD; Tuddenham, Susan MD, MPH, From the Department of Internal Medicine, Medical School, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, Department of Emergency Medicine, University of California Los Angeles School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, Division of Infectious Disease, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, Division of Infectious Disease, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. A little goes a long way when it comes to applying borax powder. Sometimes cockroaches eat other dead roaches. the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information. Clinicians' use of intravaginal boric acid maintenance therapy for recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis. The chemical compound of boric acid is H3BO3, while the chemical formula of Borax is Na2B4O710H2O. You can use a duster or pump to treat areas that are difficult to reach, such as inside holes and crevices. Additional public and clinician education regarding IBA is needed.