It wasnt as bad as some of the horror stories Ive heard. *Please do NOT mix your solution more than 24 hours before you are going to start drinking it. DAY OF PROCEDURE Take your . I was so worked up about this and for nothing. But I have zero trust in the medical profession. And remember theres an end in site. line on the container and mix. We are so glad you had a good experience this time around. OK, whats there? It was hard to get down the putrid tasting liquid for dose 2! Its pleasant enough that I wanted to chug it LOL But Im doing it slow and on my final glass for tonight of four glasses. Several brands make gentle toilet paper with aloe that can alleviate itching and burning something that is common when youre making frequent trips to the toilet. I never had a problem my 3 prior times when doing it all at once. Now 1 hour until blast off part 2. Drink extra fluids before, during, and after you use this medicine to help replace the fluids that will be lost during your bowel movement. I read about all these people who set up movies in the bathroom and were in there for hours. Im sure others have different experiences. Add cool water to the 16 oz. We hope you receive clear results. I called an advice nurse from kaiser and asked her if I had to finish it all. After my first sip, all my anxiety was gone. Suprep did not. I did start it an hour earlier than they told me, partly because I was nervour waiting, and partly because I had read it gives you more time afterwards to settle down for bed. They classified it as a level 3 for scheduling, what does that mean? Hope this helps someone. DO IT! I didnt feel there was a sense of urgency, you do have time to walk to the barroom. If I can offer some advice it is to ease your diet days in advance. How close can 2nd dose of Suprep be? I have also read studies that say miralax is more effective than suprep, but I have no experience and it was only one study. Someone asked the other day about experience with no sedation. Thank you, Marie, for reaching out to us. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Today (Sunday), more clear liquid with the first SuPrep dose at 1pm, it took me nearly an hour to get it all down, and I did throw up a bit at the end. Im a small figure who ways 95lb and my body reacts quickly with laxatives and anything that doesnt sit well in my stomach. Im a 49 y.o. 8 dulcolax, 8.3 oz miralax and 2 6oz suprep. Now, it's on to the procedure. When it's your time for a colonoscopy, demand a different prep! But it was no big deal again, nothing as violent like norovirus was. Please check back in and leave a comment when you find the answer! It taste nasty. They had mentioned that pretty much all of their office workers did it without sedation, and that everyone who tried it tolerated it well. Between drinks, suck on a banana popsicle. But of course, what worked for me may not work for everyone. I can confidently say I will never do this again. You wont regret it! Be an Advocate. Ha! Dont rush into a heavy, greasy meal - or you may regret it!Some survivors say probiotics help the gut bounce back, and they avoid spicy foods for a few days if a polyp was removed. Yes, the prep (suprep) tastes like sh*t, but chill it and the bottled water before hand, then sip it over time after mixed + two bottles of water. I dont want to be on the toilet all night long, but it seems like I might be if I start the prep that late in the evening. What to do if you vomit Suprep after the first bottle and still have the 2nd bottle to go? 1 day before: Clear fluids: plain tea, apple juice, water, chicken broth *BM normal started getting a headache by noon so I took 400mg ibuprofen and electrolyte tablet in water, headache gone in 30 mins I only get 5 minute warnings that cannot be ignored or out come the emergency change of clothes. It was FOUL. Prep: Sodium sulfate, potassium sulfate, and magnesium sulfate (Suprep). Forget my mistakes but, I hope you can see that my dog was involved instead it was my doc and the baby reference in the beginning was supposed to be my I think. Wish me luck on my way to emergency room now. So much better than that nasty prep I had years ago. I was a little nervous about the procedure, but I didnt feel or remember anything. I plan to drink another half gallon at 1:00 AM and get to the hospital (a one hour drive) at 7:45 for the procedure. Have you had a discussion with your GI about your inability to have a successful prep? To clarify I have completed all the prep juice as it were so Im not slacking. Went in, nurse took vitals, gave me a pregnancy test (using approx one squirt of urine), talked to the anesthesiologist, talked to the doctor, signed a bunch of things with each of the three people. But hold on!! The day of the colonoscopy: As on the previous day, clear liquids only. will do to your body, and compare it to cancer gone undetected? Throughout the entire prep period: Drink lots of fluids. You had a great attitude for getting through your difficult two days. My doctor also added Magnesium Citrate late at night the day before the procedure. it has been 12 years and I did the colorguard test which came back with positive results, of course this has me scared to death now. I laugh because by the time anyone reads this, it will be too late and either I am going to get moving or I am not. The newer preps are often lower in volume and divided into two doses, the first taken the night before and the second six hours prior to your procedure. I do eat lightly 2 days before the exam and I do a clear liquid diet the day before. I was afraid to do it, and waited for my first one, at 63. A ginger hard candy or lemon slice may be helpful. Nothing is scheduled yet; and Im suffering with the reflux and pain. I also used a big straw and put it as far as possible without choking on it. I wish all others the very best and thank you for letting me share my silly fears here and please know for those of you who have never had it done, the procedure is easy and fast, the worst is the prep and if I can do it, you can too! On toilet by 5:30 on and off until 9:30. of water. I write this now as I was searching for something somewhere to tell me that it wouldnt be the end of the world that I wasnt able to choke that last little bit down. So anxious that after reading this page a few days ago I think my body had a sympathetic response and started to clear (haha, but not really). The prep is HORRIBLE and brutal beyond words for anyone with digestive problems like IBS. Clear liquids all day the day before test and 1 10 oz bottle of Citrate of Magnesium. I always have a burning sensation on my phynter after bowel Hi, this is a comment. Hi Lisa, So glad to hear that your strategy worked and the prep was manageable! . But hey, thats why we do it. Be sure to follow the instructions your GI office gives you completely. All information contained within this site including text, graphics, info graph, videos and any other material is to be used for educational purposes only and should NOT be substituted for professional medical advice. If you have trouble getting the prep down, antinausea medications may help. There are multiple forms of colonoscopy prep, most of which work reasonably well. BUT lets reinforce the importance of colonoscopies and the importance of preps so that the doctors can get as clear and clean a view as possible. No solid food, nothing red or blue no dairy. Does anyone know if I have permanently messed up my prep by eating the 2 small bites of chocolate with peanut butter? Reach out to your doctors office. The morning of the colonoscopy, you must complete the second dose of 12 tablets. Six hours prior to your arrival for your procedure, begin drinking the second dose of SuPrep. I did not experience any nausea although I am a bit jittery from my body having all its nutrients removed. I think the split prep is the way to go. Two weeks ago my bloodwork came back with really low iron and hemoglobin (never knew ice pica was a thing! My first colonoscopy ended up having to be done 3 times because the preparations would not cleanse me completely. The most common colonoscopy preparation calls for drinking 1 gallon (3.8 liters) of a polyethylene glycol solution. The exact instructions depend on the bowel prep used and the time of your colonoscopy. Disgusting taste! I put the prep drink in my large Tervis Tumbler with a straw. Drink the mixture with a straw. The days of downing a gallon of laxative in one dose are gone. I thought this prep was the worst. What is the difference between Plenvu and MoviPrep? Suprep is a combination bowel prep kit. I wasnt rushing into the bathroom either. Positive experience with first time use of suprep for my 3rd colonoscopy, I am almost 61 with genetic history of CCancer in family. Tastes better too. . Once I got done pooping my brains out. I started googling because the pain went to my lower right quadrant. I wish the site moderator would discuss the fact that the PREP ALONE keeps probably 50% of more of candidates for this procedure from ever having it done THAT IS HOW BAD IT IS! The doc who did my colonoscopy remarked that Cologuard "is not there yet. Instead, I followed the Moviprep box instructions of doing the drink doses 2 hours apart, rather than waking up at 3 AM as the dr. office scheduler wrote down for an 8 am procedure. For me, this prep was so much better than the Gatorade and Miralax Prep. I was told to take 8 Dulcolax after 2 hours and my second dose at 4 hours. Why wouldnt they tell patients they can drink pediolite for the electrolytes? No sensation of any kind of having been probed. The other people on this site sharing their experiences helped me through this. On the evening before your procedure at 6:00 pm complete steps 1 through 4 using one 6-ounce bottle before going to bed. This can impact your anesthesia during the colonoscopy. Screenings save lives. I had to drink half a gallon within two hours of the laxative.Haha yea that didnt happen. Baby chronic pain patient and take pain medication that, of course, gives me opiate induced constipation. (LAXATIVE NOT STOOL SOFTENER). Should he contenue? Its definitely difficult to go through round one of prep, and then have to do it all again. I also realized the more you try to do around the house, the more calories you burn and the hungrier you will be, so yesterday I read, watched TV and napped before the prep started. I wasnt even hungry during the prep, until the scope was over. I need an endoscopy; but the Dr. wants a colonoscopy with it. Started my prep at 4:30pm. Its important that the water reaches the far end of the large intestine and that requires a large volume. Hi Winston: Thank you so much for sharing your tips and advice. Eat corn, I see it around a day or two. He or she will prescribe another prep that is more likely to be successful. I just finished last week with the prep. The solution must be completely finished four hours prior to arrival to facility. But, it took me 2.5 hours to drink the first dose. I did a split prep. You time them out 2 minutes apart. Im a tiny woman. My drink came in a powder form and I mixed it with Gatorade!!!! One day down, one to go! Im not sure I can subsist on a diet of mineral water and chicken broth for two days. Wait until they have to do it, and they will know what it is all about. I see lots of people complaining about the taste and I want to remind you of an old childhood trick that works great. I did have 8 ounces of coffee at 5:30am 2 1/2 hours before the appointment. I was doing ginger ale shots after every swallow of Suprep and it really made it much easier. The then next day you went on a clear liquid diet, took 2 more Dulcolax at 10 AM, slammed liquids all day and took two more Dulcolax at 4pm with nothing else by mouth after midnight. I am 25 and having my first colonoscopy. Slammed that all down in 2 hours and was able to go to my appointment and check in no problems. I had nothing like that. People need to read the directions and prep correctly. I drank 4 cups in total that night and had around 20BM that night. 2 days before: just snacking most of the day. My 50 year old husband just finished 3 rounds of chemo for the stage 3 cancer that was found on his routine colonoscopy. It was already lemon flavoured but I was told I could mix it with lemon cordial. Please you to reach out directly to your gastroenterologists office to ask your question. This worked well for me. So dont give up! This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Although there are usually 10-12 hours between the 1st and 2nd dose of Suprep, bowel movements can happen pretty quickly after taking the first dose of the drug. 8:20p tried to guzzle another 16 oz of ice water but it took a while. I do not know why the magnesium citrate continues to be ordered. Its a horrible way to die and very preventable, but knowing that still doesnt make this any easier. I mixed 8oz miralax powder into 1/2 gallon water. GI-related cancer does not run in my family as far as I have been told but folks have been remarking that I have been losing weight and my belt holes have been moving back when it should be the opposite and so I am concerned and hoping not too late. They gave me some kind of amnesia drug. I followed all instructions. As far as the prep goes, my doctor prescribed Prepopik. Use a straw to swallow it. I didnt realize it had grape flavor in it (which when I mentioned it to my doctor, she assured me that it didnt! I am scheduled for an upper and lower GI scope on 06/19/20. You could also reach out to Dulcolax (under Contact Us Call 1-866-844-2798 (MF 8am6pm) (2.1, 2.3, 2.4) Recommended SUPREP Bowel Prep Kit dosage is: o. Second dose was a nightmare. Also did learn that I could have asked for the prep where you only drink like 2-12oz bottles of a different prep and then sub in your own drinks in between. If I felt like it I would go a clead trickle, it didnt even look like I had used the toilet. We talked through the whole procedure, they were able to point out parts of my colon, etc. The diet is only for one day of your life! If you are taking oral diabetic medications, take half the dosage you usually take. Now me and my two daughters have to get our colon checked often. So far, have not had any discomforts like feeling faint or stomach pain from the prep procedure. It was easy to drink and worked fast. I find that if a take some of the prep then suck on a Lemon right after dont get the seeds .It helps me so much ! I also had an enema handy just in case. Just wondering how it all went for you last year, Jody. The instructions said mix with cold water and drink it quickly with a straw, which I did. Dont wait. Whether you plan to be on your phone, laptop, or tablet, find your chargers before your laxative kicks in. What do I do. As suggested above definitely get some Vaseline or other type of cream for your backdoor lol. Make sure to take plenty of fluids throughout the day in addition to the fluids used for your bowel preparation. I am about to go in for my 9th colonoscopy since 2000 having found a small cancerous polyp and had it removed by colon resection back in 2002. From then until about 3:00 a.m. Were sorry to hear this was an experience for you and we hope tomorrows procedure and experience is much more positive! I felt some nausea taking the doses, the second was at 1:30am so that was more trying. The makers of the drug need to figure this stuff out and get it together, My advice: have a lot of Depends at the ready (I had some, but ran out), and demand a different prep. But I followed the advice to eat a low fiber diet for a week, stay really hydrated, and eat lightly in the few days before the prep. Im litterly scared this is my first colonoscopy Im about to be 50 in March I hear the prep is horroable but there are stuff to sooth u help me here I need all the advice I can get but keep in mind I have several health conditions to take in I dont need to get nauseadded I get nausea on the regular so what u guys got to tell me an my birthday is March 3rd an I just decided to get this crap over with didn want to wait till bday my colonoscopy is dec14. Most people will experience a bowel movement about 1 hour after beginning Suprep. Good luck, Bob! SUPREP is what they had prescribed. Start the second cleanse at least 6 hours before your appointment (or as directed) so all the action is over well before you head to the appointment. Suprep - what to do if you vomit after the first bottle and still have the 2nd bottle to go? Taking them at the same time increases the risk of vomiting. The prep experience reminded me of a very appropriate statement by Jack Nicholson in The Bucket List Never trust a fart! Also did a couple of warm water sitz baths to keep area clean. Guess that means no colonoscopy for me. My first colonoscopy prep was recommended to me by a very nice lady I met on an IBS friends board on the internet. Some bloating from the air they pump in, but when i got home I spent 15 minutes on my side and passed a lot of gas. Its all going very well and Im wondering if Im doing it wrong because it seems easy enough? Anyone out there go through a similar situation for prep? Had a polyp as big as a grapefruit in my stomach at 27 . I was supposed to 3 yrs ago at age 50, but the surgeon canceled and I never rescheduled, then had the at-home kit test 2 yrs ago. SUPREP Bowel Prep Kit (sodium sulfate, potassium sulfate and magnesium sulfate) Oral Solution is an osmotic laxative indicated for cleansing of the colon as a preparation for colonoscopy in adults and pediatric patients 12 years of age and older. Then after that you drink 16oz of water. They wanted to reschedule but I passed on it. Get the latest in health news delivered to your inbox! I know that you cant give medical advice but from experience, what do people recommend? I asked my doctor if I could have a choice between pills or a liquid for the prep, and I was a candidate for Sutab. Second dose 10 hours later. Thank you to everyone that shared their experience. Allow me to add one more in case no one else mentioned this: especially if youre older and dont have great bowel control, be sure to have some Depends (or similar adult diapers) on hand. This page was a lifesaver. Can someone answer this question. Maybe the next suprep dose that I have to take at 6AM will do the job? . I have a family history of cancer, but those who suffered from it also suffered from stomach problems forever before they were screened and diagnosed. Before making any decisions regarding your health, please review your ideas and confirm all data with a licensed medical professional. Thanks for sharing! The actual procedure itself, is ez breezy. Some people sleep when they give them their medicine , i was awake and watched it on the screen what they were doing. It also fizzled a bit. Unfortunately, this can cause nausea and vomiting. I am also on a 5 year schedule due to family history with colon cancer, so its not like there will be 10 years in between if they missed something really small. You all can do this! 877-427-2111. Comes with the territory and allows them to perform their work efficiently. My first procedure was 11 years ago, it went well and it was easy, it was drinking the prep that was no fun. I would gladly go without food for several days and only have to take a few pills with plain water in larger amounts than to drink this stuff. A few examples are listed below. Id rather have a root canal. May need to consume an energy drink since I have work to do as I plan to take the day off tomorrow for the procedure. I didn't mix it with water, I tried Sprite, huge mistake! One week before the procedure I cut out nuts and seeds. It lasted 2 hours and I had maybe 6-7 trips to the bathroom. They ended up using the one in my arm and not my hand. Im eaten orange popsicles only. Again, very rate. We understand your frustration with the prep, and we are sorry that you have had such a horrible experience with the prep and colonoscopy. Easiest prep ever. All I have to do is look at my dad and then look at my children and I know its better to be safe then sorry. No waking at night except to get rid of all that water I had to drink. It is now 12:30am and I am to start my second dose at 2pm. I stayed close to the potty but there was never a sense of uncontrolled urgency. Colonoscopy got scheduled for two weeks out. Im also worried about kidney damage, destroying my intestinal flora, secondary infections from a scope that cannot be properly disinfected, punctures to my colon and being so weak and sick afterwards that it takes weeks to recover. I cannot even think about drinking this at 2:00am. By morning I was furious. So, what happened for me after the first dose. I was shocked at the cost. Was done in no time. Start lightening your food intake several days before the date. DO NOT STRAY far from the toilet. And then read it over again a few days before you are scheduled to begin prep, so you dont have last minute questions. And yes, Im smaller today than Ive been in 30 years! Im very drug sensitive too and have CFS/ME/FIBRO and Chronic Lyme. At 9pm I had to take the next dose. The prep went better than I expected and I want to share my approach in case its helpful to anyone. I am having my colonoscopy Tuesday. Done drinking by 7:30pm. Im grateful I got it done. The timing of your colonoscopy and your Sunday event could potentially play a role in which course of action would be best and is only something your provider can help you figure out. Ha ha My first colonoscopy is tomorrow morning at 8am. Colorectal cancer found early is preventable and treatable. ok so im 17 and im going tomorrow to get a upper gi and colonoscopy but i may have ate food i wasnt supposed to will that effect anything if i take extra laxative. I went in for cramping pains in lower abdomen and the test did find the issue so we can move forward with treatment. I mixed mine with cold ginger ale. I have a question. You can do it! I do not recommend magnesium citrate at all (the sparkling laxative!) solution dose for prep 1 (and then the next day's attempt for prep 2. ) Then it was completely clear like water. I told her I asked for a short form prep. She asked me what I like to drink. The bottom line (no pun intended) is this: Anytime you introduce foreign objects into your body you risk infection and injury. I was worried the suprep was not working. The second dose needs to be taken around 6 hours before the procedure. Most of first dose gone in about 3 hours with a few residual squirts through the evening and early morning. If you need to speak with someone, our toll-free line has live counselors on the line who may be able to help. I imagine it helps, otherwise why do you have to take it twice? I took the pills, so taste was not an issue. Thank you. You need to stay hydrated throughout the process. Way to go ahead and get this done! After my first sip, all my anxiety was gone. You need to wait those 20 min. Read More Read Less. I have ME/CFIDS/FMS. I sighed in relief. Great job getting your colonoscopy done and wow your polyp removal may be lifesaving! Chilled both bottles and water used for mix. By 9:30p I finished the water and spent another 90 minutes in and out of the bathroom. Each time I finished my (split) prep with the Peglyte, I would finish off with a mug or two of ginger tea. Been looking around and seems it is okay to drink energy drinks as it is clear. It took 70 minutes to start to work. To be honest, I would have preferred to remember since I was awake. Part 1 at 6 PM on the evening before your colonoscopy: Pour ONE 6-ounce bottle of SUPREP liquid into the mixing container. I drank them as soon as I could and certainly well before that 1 hour mark. She has used various preps EXCEPT those with taking a second dose of prep the morning of the surgery. Work together to figure out a prep that will work for you. Not sure I can do this one. Now I have to get it done every 3 years. Of lemonade to mix with the prep liquid. Its respectfully done and not as humiliating as I thought (maybe because I dont remember). Hey Robert, we have heard of this happening to other patients, although it is not the most common story following a colonoscopy we hear. t I could taste grape flavor!) Not the case, I was able to sleep around 1:50am, it was tough. I did a leading dose of bisacodyl at 3:00 pm, the day before the procedure. Second dose. Thanks for that, really appreciate the information! My advice is to stop eating all solid foods a few days in advance and reduce caloric intake overall just to make the process easier. Although there are usually 10-12 hours between the 1st and 2nd dose of Suprep, bowel movements can happen pretty quickly after taking the first dose of the drug. She found that eating a light, lower residue meal the night before prep day and taking two dulcolax tablets that same night at 10PM was a good start of the prep. Colonoscopies save lives. If you go to REI and buy the water bottle for outdoor survival it has the multi filters to filter anything out of bad water Or as I like to show you can put coke or Pepsi in it and it comes out clear!!! Next morning, coffee, Desitin, prep, and about another hour on the toilet. There are so many donts I cant make sense of any of it. I plan to take the remaining 3 servings of 8oz Miralax solution late in the evening since my appointment is 9:00am but requested to be there by 7:30am. Not much but enough to notice. I was allowed the clear fluids and jello between the 2 preps but none after the 2nd dose. The no-sedation option is definitely something Ill be doing in the future. Im not thirsty and forcing myself to drink is difficult. Is the second bottle of Suprep mandatory? By 5:30 PM the Dulcalax was working in earnest, so I started drinking colyte ( chilled and mixed with two packets of Crystal light) at the rate of 8 oz every 15 minutes. Not eating solid foods for three days wasnt the end of the world. I thought I would rest a bit. I projectile vomited the next dose. , Anypoo! My wife hates tomatoes and she had it in her burger and asked i eat them. Can I mix Suprep with Gatorade instead of water? Its still brown . Hi i had a bad experience ten years ago with no sedation with a colonespcopy. Good luck!Read More Read Less, Using suprep for my 4th colonoscopy has been so much better than drinking the gallon of golytely. When we start talking about colored jello being prohibited, Im done. Prescribed OsmoPrep. There should be a procedure whereby you take a few pills and drink, say 4-5 cups of a solution that cleans the colon. Use is contraindicated in the following conditions: gastrointestinal (GI) obstruction or ileus, bowel perforation . I wish I could offer some helpful advice but the one time I did suprep it went disastrously bad and I heaved the second dose up within moments after downing it. The colonoscope has a digital camera and light attached to the end that allows doctors to see any abnormalities. I have written down many tips,-and they ease my mind. Vomiting will reduce the effectiveness of Suprep in preparing the colon and you risk having to reschedule your procedure. Not really helping and now Im just not sure there is really a reason to drink a gallon of go lightly, when I have had no solid for two weeks straight and pure diarrhea for almost three months. Needless to say it was completely painless. Hubby took me to breakfast, got home and took a nice nap. Am concerned, because they removed several polyps last time, and one was pre-cancerous and embedded in colon wall. It's been 4 days since my procedure, I'm eating normally but have to make a bowl movement about every 3 hours! I slept through the night without any interruptions. It was an orange flavored powder that you mix with 5oz of cold water. . Some doctors add the laxative bisacodyl (Dulcolax). i am having my 3rd one on October 10 2017. Had no issue drinking it. Great tips thank you. Sign up now and get a FREE copy of theBest Diets for Cognitive Fitness. We wish you continued good health, and thank you again for taking time to encourage people to get their colonoscopies! Thank you for encouraging people to forge on with their colonoscopies, even when challenges arise along the way! Select one or more newsletters to continue. By 9:00 things settled down and I was able to shower and hit the road for my procedure shortly before 10:00. Research indicates that a split dose prep usually leads to a better cleanse. Drink the Suprep cold. Does that sound normal? Have a history of colon cancer in my family so my PCP suggested I get one asap. Can electrical brain stimulation boost attention, memory, and more? One of the best things I did to make the prep taste better was to drink a Peppermint Tea, just a few sips before drinking the prep. I will never drink this again. By the time people see signs and symptoms, typically, theres already a problem. between each 8 oz. The best tips I received were to drink the solution through a straw, and to take 2 Gravol tablets about a half hour before the solution.