Exodus 20: 4-5: Do not make idols that look like anything in the sky or on earth or in the, ocean under the earth. November 23, 2008 (pm) And thats what I want to preach to you today. It was used of Him, but never by Him. 15 Outstanding Quotes To Recharge Your Preaching. 2Stand in the gate of the Lord's house, and proclaim there this word, and say, Hear the word of the Lord, all ye of Judah, that enter in at these gates to worship the Lord. What a waste to live your life and never discover why you are here! Heaven is my home series: You CAN take it with you! Someone will smartly state that Christ is not physically in the world today this is true. I was especially gripped by those two words, "Let not." These are inspired, God-breathed words. But Martha put her theology to work together with a trust that Jesus could always do something. I want to assure you that the title of this message, "Before It's Too Late," has nothing to do with last-minute Christmas shopping! read more, Denomination: After all, he was not angry in his encounter with Martha, who expressed hope. A. But the good news is that God is an empowering healer. Matthew 20:1-16, Denomination: The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil It is not about following a certain man or woman of God, it is about following Christ. 17 Then I said to them, You see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lies waste, and its gates are burned with fire. That leads to the third element. IV. the house of bondage. I want to acknowledge the fact that modern technology has helped solve many of these problems. These tragedies have left the land ruined and the people demoralized. One day Lazarus got sick and his sickness was unto death. Why does Martha go out to meet Jesus while Mary stays put? In the times that we now live in, I find myself being both saddened and even depressed that many are still putting off coming to the Lord. Prayer Is Not an Option Its a Necessity! He just wants you to know he is going to move when he gets ready. Verses9-10: Besides being wise, the Preacher [the Searcher] also taught the people knowledge, weighing and studying and arranging proverbs with great care. Glasses, contact lenses, even glass eyes, help with eye problems. I should see the attributes of the spirit. Don't Wait until It's too Late! - Steve Wagers - Sermon Outlines and This knowledge of the Scriptures enabled the Searcher to teach with great power and influence, but only after careful preparation. And that is why God will not move for you now. The devil is anti in the sense that he does the most to pollute and corrupt this world from seeing and following after the Lord. Or, maybe they are like the people who show up to the movie after the movie has already begun. For I am, with you, says the Lord, to deliver you.. But why does Martha respond this way? Perhaps it is over an event in their lives that hurt them. "The doors on the street are shut," is a vivid picture of what happens when the teeth fall. At 94 years old she showed the world that SHE HAD BEEN BORN AGAIN. In fact, in one hundred years from now, everyone reading this will be dead. This While you are resting tell the devil I know its not too late!. Jeremiah 8:18-22. Death is a peeping tom; he gazes It's Not Too Late! (I promise Im not picking on anybody.) . We are mean and clean. As we look at this story in the Bible, we must realize that it is an aweful yet true story. 6 Remember himbefore the silver cord is severed, or the golden bowl is broken; before the pitcher is shattered at the spring, or the wheel broken at the well. In a classic Peanuts comic strip, Linus tells his big sister Lucy . Even with our attitude we want god to come quick fast and in a hurry. Yes, Lord, Martha says, I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming into the world (John 11:27). Denomination: For Belshazzar it was too late. We use god for our convenience. Tell him to drop everything because he whom thou love is sick. They did their own thing. What was Jesus message? But I know, that even now, whatsoever Thou wilt ask of God, God will give it Thee. Message Point: Its never too late to get saved. Just like an angel's wing. VI. He has searched through all of life and reached the same conclusion. The Path to Healthy Relationships. Martha does not know the end of this story, as we do. A Wonder about Minding God! Then, "the golden bowl is broken." Paul had warned the captain of the ship not to leave port. She has no idea what Jesus is about to do and she does not expect him to raise Lazarus from the dead. which no man shall see the Lord. Were on a mission to change that. They had to throw everything overboard. That said, all of us have free will in being able to choose. Terrors increase as they go about the streets. And it's Never Too Late for God. Burns, a master of self-deprecating humour, decided to take advantage of this and insure his voice for a million dollars. Subject to permissions policy, all rights reserved. "When the sound of the grinding is low" is thought by some of the commentators to refer to the digestive system. Many of us have never seen a dead body. My brothers and sisters were all baptized but I was sick and I didnt get to. To "Fear God, and keep his commandments" is to learn to be and to discover the secret of being a whole person. A Word about Meeting God! It is aweful because one man ended up in, He awoke to the fact of eternity too late (vs.22-23) 9 Not only was the Teacher wise, but also he imparted knowledge to the people. That is one of the first marks of old age. Baptist. Caleb was 85 years old sayinggive me this mountain! Pastor V. P. Oliver It was too late for Belshazzar, but it may not be too late for you. Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. Two things: we do not know the day of the Lords coming and we do not know the day of our passing. One Rockwell's Post - LinkedIn Bunbury 13 But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. The end of life is death. While at the feast, He began to teach and the people begin to marvel and wonder whether or not He really was Christ (John 7:25-26). Those are the 3 points of this sermon, Scripture: Obeying God The continual wheel of life which keeps us alive can stop, through degeneration of the veins, through hardening of the arteries; or a blood clot can arrest it and suddenly death occurs. What a vivid description this is of the ending of life! I'd like to make an application from this prophetic passage about the Nation of Israel being restored to their homeland. 10 The Teacher searched to find just the right words, and what he wrote was upright and true. And thats what weve read here in the SEVENTH CHAPTER, he is crying out to the people. When we give up because we think it's too late for something to happen it could be that we've given up when God is still involved and at work in & through our lives. Intro: *** Friends of George Burns have always kidded him about his singing. They would understand that, as Isaiah says, "All we like sheep have gone astray. Text: Hebrews 3:12-19 Dont bow down and worship idols. The reasoning power of the brain, perhaps the greatest gift that God has given to us, begins to lose its ability, and the memory fades. (Ecclesiastes 12:9-10 RSV). The greatest futility of all is a life that has not found the reason for living. In this message (the first of 4 messages) we are going to meet an elderly couple and a teenage girl who are going to teach us a life altering and world changing truth, that it is Never Too Late, and it is Never Too Early. Introduction: Sermon Title: It's not too late. It's not too late for you. If we are so obsessed with getting as fast as we can to heaven, we might be surprised when we stand before God and hear him say it's too late. I would like to go through these verses again and show you exactly what is being described. He had visions. Leader Kit includes: Video-driven Bible study Two DVDs A copy of the Member Book You can hang on to it and hold fast by it in times of danger and temptation. HAVE YOU EVER AWOKE TO FIND THAT EVERYONE ELSE IN THE HOUSE WAS GONE? He is known as the Weeping Prophet because of his lamenting over the down fall and rebellious nature of Israel. Presbyterian/Reformed. Denomination: read more, Scripture: read more. "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved." Dont misunderstand; He taught it, He lived it; He just never said it. These mental faculties are described in terms of light. Temptation is all around us, it is subtle, it is powerful. With all the concerns of living in the present moment - with all of the accompanying joys or frustrations - we fail to give much thought to the final moment. read more, Scripture: A. 1 Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, "I find no pleasure in them"-. Turn to your neighbor: 1.) 2. 19 "There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. It's always too soon to quit! There is a lack of urgency when it comes to moving spiritually for which I do not fully understand. I am the resurrection and the life. to that. His sisters Mary and Martha sent word to Jesus to come to Bethany (John 11:13). We learn how to look up to God for our hope, and that it's never too late to do the right thing. Worship Service; Bible Study Outlines and Broadcasts; Contact; Jobs; Give Online. Some of us are beginning to recognize those signs. The Intention of a Looking Heart! I can see him getting up early in the morning. read more, Scripture: Some drink from the fountain of wealth. One of the signs of age is its unwillingness to change, its resistance to new ideas. Saints are to be so sweet until we are dripping syrup. Marthas words to Jesus must have been hard to hear: Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died (John 11:21). What awful disaster is approaching you? When we need a healing we take him off the shelf, as soon as we are healed we put him back on the shelf. For many people there is no ticking clock on time and life as we know it. They are carefully chosen and carefully arranged to illustrate what he had to say. It is hard to chew Grape Nuts when you do not have any teeth!