That was who needs to know. Unfortunately, this allowed Micro to see Lieberman drunkenly kissed Castle. Castle listened as Madani had noted that it was thought that Russo would eventually die during his six week long coma, while he was being treated at Sacred Saints Hospital, only for him to prove everybody wrong by surviving, as he eventually woke back up. Castle tried Bendix again and finally got an answer. Sticking to cover, the Punisher ensured that Russo was out of sight before then stepping onto the Carousel himself while keeping his weapon raised and ready to be fired. Then, he simply waits for Hulk to transform back into Bruce Banner, and follows him into an abandoned alley. Castle informed him that Wilson is targeting Ori, who Russo is currently providing protection for. I kept thinking God was gonna pull the rug out from under us, you know?Frank Castle to Daredevil. Like a rat in a jar? However, she then admitted that she undermined herself by allowing him to go out. Eventually, Frank pulls out a sonic pistol and aims it at Venom. Deadpool still has his powers, though, which makes killing him a difficult task. Only child. Castle managed to track down Lewis Wilson to the Royal Hospitality where he intended to assassinate Senator Stan Ori. Anderson answered the phone to Castle and the two had an argument. With his conflict seemingly concluded, Castle had then headed over into St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, as he had finally made the decision to join in with Curtis Hoyle's regular therapy sessions, in order to deal with the trauma of losing his family. At the hideout, Micro watched a video of his family when Castle returned. ""He's a lot scarier than Pete.Frank Castle and Leo Lieberman. However, Bendix gently touched Castle's arm as she suggested that this would be a step too far, even for Castle. Ow! Castle left the money in his van and attached a bomb to it, which would detonate if anyone attempted to move it. At the front desk, Castle asked Debbie for an extra room across from their current one. 'Cause that's trouble I don't need.Frank Castle and Clint, Seeking to find any surviving members of the Kitchen Irish, Castle went to an illegal pawn shop, where he spoke to Clint the owner, offering him a considerable amount of cash for New York City Police Department radios and the shells in his shotgun. When Rex asked Castle if he missed his son, Castle had told him that he missed his son every single day. As punishment, Castle was tortured, with Cooley drilling a hole into his foot while the Punisher furiously promised to murder all of them. Once again, Rachel refused to talk, even after Castle found some suspicious film canisters in her back pocket. Murdock explained that they believed that Samantha Reyes now wanted him dead for some reason. In this timeline, Frank's wife and kids are killed during a battle between invading forces, the X-Men, and the Avengers. You take that gun. And that is where you'll be waiting in the van.Micro and Frank Castle. Once Murdock finished his statement, Castle asked Judge Cynthia Batzer if he could make a statement, and proceeded to tell the jury that he would commit the murders all over again, promising that he was not crazy and did not need Nelson and Murdock's help and that he would never be sent to a mental hospital for treatment. As Bendix's bus arrived, Castle said that it was not often where somebody comes into a life and changes it forever. Wolverine turns back to the good side in the end, but not before The Punisher tears through the vampire X-Men with a host of weapons, including holy water guns and silver bullet Uzis. Shiv in hand, Wilson gives Punisher free access to Dutton . I'm gonna murder them, Karen. Fearing he was slowly losing his . His next two arcs in the show, however, prove that something more complicated took place. For the first four episodes (including "Dogs to a Gunfight," "New York's Finest," and "Penny and Dime"), Murdock's quest to find the "army" that took down the Irish mob (which was really just Castle) consumed the main plot of the season. agent, and not by Frank. ""Maybe none, but I still need to find a way to put him behind bars. ""Yeah, I ain't lonely either.Frank Castle and Beth Quinn. Castle knocked on the door, making sure to keep his face down so that all Schultz saw was the police cap. This caused the Russians to join the fight, as Punisher was kicked in the back by Vor, pushing him into another man who he had knocked into a barbel. The series is executive produced by showrunner Steve Lightfoot (Hannibal), Jim Chory (Marvel's Daredevil, Marvel's Jessica Jones, Marvel's Luke Cage) and Jeph Loeb (Marvel's Daredevil, Marvel's . Castle left by himself and walked alone into the night, thinking about his actions. Castle and Hoyle took Nelson back to his place and met up with Dinah Madani. Castle was assigned Christopher Roth as his attorney, but he was visited by Nelson and Murdock and Matt Murdock explained that they wished to represent him. Frank had to die so the Punisher could be born. During the torture, Gunner Henderson questioned Orange over what Zubair was saying, as Orange insisted that it was nothing important and demanded that Henderson not question his intelligence. Castle wasnt the first character to get his own spinoff. After an extensive, prolonged gunfight, Russo's failure to kill Castle prompted him to escape with the rest of his crew, as he was not willing to be arrested. They can't find the Hulk so Deadpool and Wolverine depart in search of him, leaving Captain America and Punisher to fight the mob. ""You knew he was alive, all this time. The story also took his comic book origin and added a new layer to it. ""Where to? Once Lieberman decided to go inside his house, Castle was invited to join him, but declined his offer to come inside the house and be a part of their family, noting that Lieberman knew why he could not, to which Lieberman accepted his choice. In the Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe, Matt Murdock is close with Frank . [4], I was with Maria for three months when she got pregnant with Lisa. I watched one and two, but never got to 3 because after season 2 the pace at which netflix put the MCU shows out got too fast for me and I just gave up. He proceeded to gun down several criminals on the dock who were guarding the ship, before he boarded, and found a significant stash of heroin on board. So Daredevil's producers decided to make Castle the prominent "big bad" figure in most of Season 2 to flesh out his character, despite Daredevil's main villain being Wilson Fisk in Seasons 1 and 3. [11], Okay, one more time. Quinn introduced herself to Castle, who instead introduced himself as Pete Castiglione, maintaining the cover story that he had been given. While Bruce Wayne and Peter Parker have a strict no-kill rule, The Punisher operates a lot like a villain in his efforts to destroy the criminal underworld. I should have known. Castle and Micro planned their infiltration of the Fort Bryon where Morty Bennett is stationed in order to use him to get Agent Orange's name. The Punisher and Bendix then walked out of the mansion, seeing Pilgrim standing with his two sons who he had saved, before they overheard the sound of Schultz shooting himself. As Castle slowly rose up from the carnage, the prison guards moved through the door, all of whom were dressed in full riot gear and ready to capture him. Castle ran out to the garage and saw the car leaving. Despite putting up a strong fight and taking down several members of the Irish mob, Castle was eventually stopped by the taser guns being fired at him as he fell to the floor. Since those two other men assumed they heard gay sex in their stall, they walked out before the Punisher left O'Hare's corpse, zipping his hoody to hide the vest. Castle believed that the death of the hostage was on him. Looking closely at the flash, Castle found a flashlight, cell phone, and mirror placed for him by Micro, which caused the flash from afar. Castle's experience using his abilities as a force for good convinced him to take up his mantle, embrace being the Punisher, and go on to headline his own story. Taking the time to clear his mind, Castle went on a cruise and sat down quietly upon thinking his past. Page then arrived and begged Castle to stop, but Castle ignored her pleas and dragged Schoonover into a nearby cabin. The inmates continued to attack him with various weapons and shivs, but Castle's superior combat training allowed him to quickly disarm the men and use their weapons to stab them or crush their skulls, shrugging off a stab in the arm and strong blows from them as he killed more of the attacking criminals. Finally, he spotted Agent Orange, who came close to the window. When Russo noted how Billy the Kid was betrayed for money and fame, Castle noted that this betrayal was the worst thing anybody could do. Once he was out in the open, the Punisher told Russo to let the kids go free, only for Russo to keep his weapon on them and demand that the Punisher throw his gun and knife aside. Page told Castle that she did not kill him despite not liking what he did, she believed it was what needed to happen. You do not get to take me down. These bullets caused big holes in the wall. As Lisa commented on how Russo was an orphan, and could not know his name's origin, they all laughed as Maria promised they were all Russo's family. Understanding that he is unable to continue his life, Castle decided to accept the mantle of the Punisher and resume his anti-criminal crusade. Brother, I just want to talk!Punisher to Gunner Henderson. But like on the page, the death of Castle's loved ones will forever drive him. Armed with the weapons from Ray Schoonover's armory, Castle prepared to leave the city to eliminate the last gang members who were involved in Massacre at Central Park. Before pulling the trigger Punisher tells Captain America that he was always his hero. Pilgrim asked that when Castle kills the Schultzes, to spare his sons. Fast forward to Daredevil, and it felt like that never happened. In order to get in the correct mindset to portray Castle, Bernthal trained with military members, along with receiving weapon training. When Russo left, Castle and his family stayed in Central Park, unbeknownst to them that William Rawlins and Ray Schoonover decided to have Castle killed for he believed he leaked the torture and death of Ahmad Zubair. Six months later, Castle got a job as a construction worker and attempted to keep himself out of harm's way, avoiding stress as best he could. With Kazan watching in complete and utter horror, the Punisher then proceeded to punch the Russian into the face three more times, destroying his face and killing him, as the Russian's lifeless corpse dropped onto the floor. I'm gonna take all the breath out of your lungs, out of your lungs, until you can barely whisper and the last word out of your mouth is gonna be 'please, please, please'.William Rawlins to Frank Castle. I don't know anything. The furious fight eventually involved knives, then fists, then just simple, barbaric brutality. As the group therapy session went on, Castle stood in the hallways and listened to Hoyle's advise to other veterans and even Lewis Wilson's input on doing terrible acts of war meaning nothing during times of peace. Castle then noted that if he was ever back in Michigan, he would give Beth a call, before they exchanged a hug and Castle gently taped on their truck's window to say a goodbye to Rex, stepping towards the motel. They were the ones that caused the death of his family, and he starts by killing the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. I'm not saying""Come on, Frank. Piety to Purgatory Born in Queens, New York to Sicilian immigrant parents, Frank Castiglionelater Castlewas on a path to priesthood and piety. Castle stopped Rawlins, knocking him on the ground, learning of Russo's betrayal. As he was welcomed inside, Hoyle asked Castle about him giving up the peaceful life, as he questioned what he had been up to, with Castle claiming that it was a long story. Later, Bendix texted him the location of where she was. Micro hacked the Homeland audio and video feeds, creating a looped video feed from the follow car and piping the song "Feel the Love" into the comms system. Out of the 13 installments in Daredevil Season 2, Castle showed up in 12 of them. As he went to the fridge to get them his beers, Hoyle complained that they never met up in Florida to go fishing like normal friends, with Castle simply noting that he did not know how to fish, despite Hoyle's attempts to convince him and Castle note that he went fishing with dynamite. She's squeezing me so tight I swear I was gonna bust a rib, you know? #death #deathpussinboots2 #deathwhistle #deathband #deathedit #deathpussinboots #deathremix #deathmetal #deathhuman #remixeddeathsong #deathbed In the evening, Castle visited St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church where Hoyle organized a group therapy session for other veterans. However, this only annoyed Johnny, who let go off Quinn's arm and insulted her, with Castle sarcastically calling Johnny classy for those insults. In the stairwell, Castle was confronted by Dinah Madani who ordered him to surrender. Castle threw Grotto on the ground before them and explained how he had found him trying to steal a car to escape. While Castle was sitting alone, Donny Chavez came up and offered him one of his sandwiches out of sympathy for Lance ruining his. And anybody who came here today to hear me whine, to hear me beg? Just as Paulie had started the car and attempted to drive away, Castle followed him downstairs, firing a single shot which hit Paulie square in the side of the head, killing him instantly. Castle returned to his family's home with Ray Schoonover's stolen arsenal of weapons and looked around before sitting in at the kitchen table with a The New York Examiner newspaper featuring an article on his trial, with the x-ray of his skull as the front image. Before the men realized the danger, the grenade exploded, killing two more people before the Punisher had then used the distraction to his advantage, storming out of the shadows and engaging in his surprise gunfight with the mercenaries, who were all too disorientated by the explosion to realized what was happening. Although Venom was originally a super-villain, the progression of his character lead many to view him as an anti-hero, much like The Punisher himself. He did it another time before the third one finally popped it in. Nelson and Murdock were pulled out of the room by Reyes but Castle informed Brett Mahoney that he wanted them to be his lawyers, requesting to speak to Page without Foggy Nelson present. [15], For her, there was never going to be any tomorrow, see. I'm not the one that dies, kid. Castle would then convince Karen to help him find out who this "Micro" is, which Page would start digging through the archives at the New York Bulletin and find a reference to Micro, but no story attached. Seeking to find Billy Russo as soon as possible, Castle realized that he would likely decide to confront Curtis Hoyle in order to learn if he had known of Castle's whereabouts. When Quinn asked what happened, Castle explained that he had been in the Marine Corps, before Quinn commented on the wedding ring that Castle now wore as a necklace. Bendix brought up Castle's daughter, Lisa Castle and asked if he ever envisioned her going off to college. The Punisher: Created by Steve Lightfoot. Spider-Man asks who Frank is, and Frank tells him he's The Punisher. to Castle's horror, Roy Olsky had locked the door and were walking away, trapping Castle in a small corridor filled with all of Dutton's most loyal men. Castle apologized, saying that he lost control. He then quickly realized it was Bendix, trying to practice her gun removing skills. Instead of answering her questions, Castle simply told Bendix to take Madani's bedroom, while he would be sleeping on the couch. Matt just takes the time to finally try to understand Frank and listen to his explanation behind One Batch. ""David, I'm not coming. With Castle in jail, Elektra and Daredevil growing closer during their hunt for the Hand, and Stick's reveal of the Chaste, it almost seemed like Castle would fade into the background until his spinoff premiered. Russo questioned what Rawlins had meant by Castle taking things from him, as Rawlins had inadvertently revealed that Marion James had taken his position from him. Castle did, however, advise that they locate Ray Schoonover to be the witness for the case. Castle demanded that Daredevil make his choice, as he was unwilling to allow Grotto to go free as he was sure that Grotto would kill again if given the chance. When Netflixs Marvel-verse initially launched in 2015 with Daredevil, the show was treated as something of a standalone story, not unlike how the Marvel Cinematic Universe did with Iron Man, just in case it was a flop. Having seen Leo in the Van with her father, Castle stepped over to her side and told her she had done well to survive. It was about halfway through the season, in the sixth episode, "Regrets Only," that Frank Castle really completed his transition from invincible bogey man to real live human being. ""Has been? Taking a rest from beating the wall, Castle spotted Lance, Paulie, and Leo returned to the construction site and chase Chavez into the building. In the end, all that's left is a skeleton. Castle would make a hole to another room where they hid and they ambushed Olin's crew, killing three of them. Still furiously beating down the walls with his sledgehammer, Castle kept on working late on his shift, while Lance and his friends tease him as they walk past him before going to Murphy's for a drink. With Madani requesting the answer on tape, Castle explained that the operation was illegal and was funded through the sales of heroin out of Kandahar, noting that the operation was run by Ray Schoonover and Morty Bennett, as well as the former SAC of Homeland, Carson Wolf, all of whom were now deceased. Arguments over who would win in a fight are common in the comic book community. When Madani then asked Castle for an update about their current situations, as had simply insisted that she would not really want to know that, while Madani then admitted that she had already sabotaged her own career with United States Department of Homeland Security already just by helping him and bringing him and Amy Bendix there. However, before the money would be collected from Frank Castle's Van, the bomb which Castle had left exploded, killing Rafe and destroying the cash. Just just you and me, though, right? However, when Castle lost the game again, he accused Bendix of cheating, while she insisted that he was simply not seeing the trick. Punisher first appeared in one of the best Spider-Man comics in the 1970s, setting out to kill the Web-Slinger when the villain Jackal convinced Frank that Spider-Man had murdered Norman Osborn in cold blood.However, Punisher figured things out and let Spidey live. The man pleaded for his life and then half-heartedly admitted to being the Blacksmith and begged for death as Castle pressed his gun into the man's face. Upon hearing two other men entering the bathroom, the Punisher stopped the desperate O'Hare from calling for help by knocking him back and had then strangled him with his own tie until O'Hare had eventually chocked to death. As Castle walked out, he noticed a group of men following him. The big bad Punisher. Micro and Castle talked about how they each met their wives. Russo claimed that he wish Castle had killed him back in Kandahar, causing Rawlins to laugh in his face. Once Blake Tower had finished his questioning of the witness, Murdock stepped up asking him about his own career and how he had handled the case involving Castle. Believing they would be there to shoot illegal images, Clive insisted on seeing the money, as Castle showed off a handful of cash, causing Clive to close the peephole and finally open the door for them, giving them assess to his studio, as Bendix commented on the size of the door and how it would take an army to kick it down. [15], If you're gonna look at yourself, really look in the mirror, you got to admit who you are. Schoonover has spent his years running heroin alongside some of Frank's old comrades,but even that's not the full story. What if this is just me now?Karen Page and Frank Castle. Castle didn't want him to get exploded since he want to save him very badly, Hoyle then called the New York City Police Department so that there would be a witness to the explosion, but Castle wanted Hoyle to tell him how to disarm the bomb. One man is about to bash another mans head in with a hammer when he is stopped by Daredevil. Castle sat with Billy Russo and listened as Orange and Schoonover explained they were now part of Operation Cerberus tasked to capture and assassinate enemy targets, with Castle questioning if United States Congress had approved the operation which Orange insisted they had. While Castle gently rebuffs her advances, he returned to Micro's Hideout to find that Micro was now extremely drunk. Castle listened as Hoyle explained that he was listed as Russo's next of kin, and he had gone to Sacred Saints Hospital to see Russo in person, as he commented about how bad Russo's mental and physical condition had been. Castle knocked Barrett out. Castle was then confronted by Paulie, who was kicking the wall behind him and asking what he had heard about their planned heist. However, while Bendix went to Dinah Madani's bedroom, Castle noted that walking from the situation was not an option, while commenting that he only had to ensure that he was the dealer. ""Yeah, well, they're just gonna have to get over it.Curtis Hoyle and Frank Castle. Fisk then ordered all the guards to remove Castle's handcuffs and informed him that he would set him free, when Castle asked why, Fisk explained that he wished the Punisher to massacre all other criminal empires in New York City so that when Fisk got free, he could easily become the new Kingpin of Crime. Arguably better than season 1. The series is a spin-off of Daredevil. Returning to his current base, Castle arrived just in time to witness members of the Kitchen Irish led by Finn Cooley leaving having been searching for Castle with the aim to kill him and recover the money he had previously stolen from them, and taking his dog at the same time. Working early in the morning, Castle was confronted again by Lance and all his friends, regarding him working late nights and taking away their own over time. Why didn't you tell me that? That's a memento mori. Castle was helped up onto his feet and told him that he loved him by Russo, before getting punched in the stomach by him, much to the delight of everyone in attendance as these two brothers in arms had celebrated their success at making it all the way through the brutal gauntlet. In order to discuss Castle's brain injuries, Nelson and Murdock called in Andrew Lee to discuss the bullet wound Castle sustained during the massacre in Central Park.