Shielded a Corpsman and a wounded Marine from an enemy hand grenade blast and was seriously wounded. River Division 513, River Patrol Flotilla 5, Threw an enemy hand grenade out of his PBR, and then directed suppressive fire on the attacking enemy despite being wounded. He continued exposing himself to enemy fire searching for additional casualties when he was killed, A4E pilot who located a fellow pilot who was shot down and escorted the rescue helicopter to successfully extract the man, silencing multiple enemy anti-aircraft positions along the way, Led his riverine assault craft in killing more than 200 of the enemy and destroying 600 bunkers, Regrouped his platoon and led the Marines in fighting off the enemy throughout the night, before manning a machine gun and personally killing eight of the enemy, Single-handedly held off an NVA attack on his disable M51 Tank Retriever. Task Force 116 (TF-116), Marine Observation Squadron 2 (VMO-2), Marine Aircraft Group 16, 1st Marine Aircraft Wing, Made eight trips from his medical evacuation helicopter, rescuing 23 wounded Marines under heavy fire, POW who accepted responsibility for an escape attempt and was severely tortured, A-6 Bombardier/Navigator who precisely dropped several bombs on a heavily defended port facility, Shot down two enemy fighter jets in a single action, Rendered first aid to several wounded Marines, shielding them on two occasions from enemy fire using his own body before he was killed, Naval Advisory Group, United States Military Assistance Command, Naval advisor to the River Force Vietnamese Navy who was involved in more than 30 combat operations, Remained at the controls of his crippled aircraft, allowing seven of his nine crew members to bail out and be rescued shortly after, Rescued a downed Navy pilot, and later successfully flew his helicopter to the coast and ditched it in the sea after it was badly damaged and all crew members wounded, River Assault Division 111, River Assault Squadron 11, River Assault Flotilla 1, Led a strike force against the heavily defended Hai Phong petroleum and oil storage area, Pilot of the A-6A night all-weather attack against the heavily defended Kinh No railroad yard. July 4, 2022 July 4, 2022. The public should not rely on the information on this website as a definitive identification of all those members who are recipients of the subject awards. When his helicopter was shot down, he pulled the two pilots from the burning wreckage despite multiple wounds to himself, and then fought off the enemy until they were rescued. While shielding a Marine with his own body and firing at an enemy position, he was killed. U.S. Marine Corps Navy Cross Recipients, Vietnam War, 1956-1975 Last Updated: August 1, 2019 LAST FIRST M.I. Rendered aid to numerous wounded Marines during an ambush before he was killed, River Division 531, River Patrol Flotilla 5, Led his PBR to rescue another boat crew during an ambush. Placed his body between fellow Marines and a live grenade, CH-46 Helicopter crew chief, originally awarded Silver Star which was upgraded in 2015, Smothered an explosive device with his own body, Shielded a fellow Marine from enemy fire with his own body, thus saving his life, Regimental surgeon, surgically removed a live B-40 rocket from a wounded Marine, Single-handedly assaulted and killed eight of the enemy, remaining in the fight despite being wounded in the head, Village of Phong Luc (1), Qung Nam Province, Machine gunner who was badly wounded during the beginning of an ambush, however he was able to return accurate fire before he was killed, Machine gun team leader who held his position with his gunner, putting heavy fire on the enemy and allowing their platoon to withdraw before they were both killed. COMMENDATIONS . Was shot down and captured as a POW, but soon escaped that same day and was rescued by a helicopter. Medal of Honor [ edit] mountain dew code red shortage 2022. best army for th9 for loot and trophies. It was there that he narrowly cheated death while desperately trying to save two of his wounded teammates,. Facebook gives people the. An official website of the United States government, Defense Personnel Records Information Retrieval, U.S.Marine CorpsRecipients of the Army Distinguished Service Cross, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - His journey through the Marine Corps culminated in March 2020 on a mountainside in Iraq. The Navy Cross was established by Act of Congress (Public Law 65-253) and approved on February 4, 1919. The sole purpose of the information provided on this website is to publicly recognize those U.S. military members who are recipients of a Medal of Honor, Service Cross, or Silver Star. Task Force 116 (TF-116). Gatorade named Washington the Mississippi Boys' Basketball Player of the Year in his senior year, and Washington also was a fourth-team All-American pick by Parade magazine. [7] He was released in April 2004. Was later killed in action on January 31, 1968. Illuminated several large groups of enemy troops with his helicopter searchlight despite heavy fire, resulting in the deaths of many of the enemy. After placing his machine gun teams in positions, he personally manned one of the guns and silenced tow enemy positions and continued firing from his exposed position after he was mortally wounded. Two Marines, Martin L. Brandtner[4] and Joseph P. Donovan,[5] were both awarded two Navy Crosses. Refused medical evacuation after being seriously wounded in order to direct the fire of his Marines and pinpoint enemy positions for five hours as the enemy assaulted Cam Lo District Headquarters, Led his company up a ridgeline in which they killed 65 of the enemy, and then directed his company in repulsing an NVA assault despite being wounded, killing another 140 of the enemy, Led his Marines in an assault against NVA positions, and then assisted 10 wounded Marines to safety before collapsing from wounds and heat exhaustion, After his platoon sustained heavy casualties while being deployed in a landing zone, he consolidated the survivors into a defensive position as he delivered devastating machine gun fire on the enemy, When his company faced a savage assault by an NVA force, he moved to the point of heaviest contact to rally his Marines and direct their fire, Placed himself between enemy troops and wounded Marines and poured deadly machine gun fire on the enemy. Naval Support Activity. [5] The Paris Peace Accords of January 1973 saw all U.S. forces withdrawn. Recon team leader who observed an enemy hand grenade land in a Marine's foxhole, jumped into the foxhole, and threw the grenade out. Suppressed the enemy with machine gun fire, and then shielded a wounded Corpsman from multiple enemy hand grenades, throwing two and kicking the rest of the grenades away, Led his PBR crew ashore to assist a six-man patrol which was engaged with an enemy platoon, Remained at the machine gun on top of an amphibian tractor to provide covering fire for the wounded, Assumed command of his squad during an ambush and fought his was to the wounded, Rendered aid to wounded Marines for two hours despite multiple wounds, and then shielded a Marine from enemy fire using his own body, Single-handedly destroyed an enemy mortar position and then retrieved a machine gun 100 meters forward of his platoon, Landed his helicopter a minefield while taking sniper fire to extract wounded Marines, Medical evacuation pilot who landed his helicopter under heavy fire to extract the crews of two crashed Navy helicopters, Delivered devastating machine gun fire from his door gun for four hours, and then left his helicopter on four occasions to assist wounded Marines back to it. Lord was awarded the Navy Cross, the nations second highest award for combat bravery, during a ceremony at a Marine Corps Birthday Ball celebration in Vancouver, Washington Nov. 17, 2018. Rallied his men and led them in a counterattack against sappers which penetrated the wire. Name inscribed at VVM Wall, Panel 42w, Line 29. tyrone washington vietnam navy cross. He successfully removed the mortar and the patient survived. Once the enemy was repulsed, he assisted wounded Marines back to the company perimeter, where he was wounded five more times. Shielded a wounded Marine from enemy fire with his own body and was applying first aid when he was killed. Join Facebook to connect with Tyrone Washington and others you may know. Crawled 50 meters to a group of wounded Marines, helped a blinded Marine to safety, and returned to the group and was dragging a second man to safety when he was killed. Task Force 116 (TF-116), Helicopter Combat Support Squadron 7 (HC-7), Detachment 110, 58th Medical Battalion, 68th Medical Group, Medical evacuation pilot who landed his helicopter under heavy fire to extract the crews of two crashed helicopters, Pushed a Marine from the path of a booby trap, exposing himself to the explosion, This article contains more content and information than its corresponding article on. He then inflicted heavy casualties on the enemy with a machine gun. Air Force members recognized for actions prior to 1 July 1948 are listed as Army members; on/after 1 July 1948 they are listed as Air Force members. mortar at the enemy and assisted a wounded comrade to safety despite being wounded twice, When his platoon was badly ambushed, he ran through enemy fire six times to assist three wounded Marines to safety and recover the bodies of three Marines despite being wounded twice, Assembled an M-60 machine gun using the pieces of two disabled ones, and then used it to deliver devastating fire on the enemy, Silenced an enemy bunker and continually patrolled the defensive perimeter of his recon team despite being wounded, When his recon team was ambushed and all members wounded or killed except him, he directed the fire of his two remaining Marines and called in air strikes for several hours, Inserted and extracted a friendly force into a landing zone under heavy fire, Rallied his company in the defense of a ridgeline and directed air strikes, ultimately accounting for the deaths of 212 NVA soldiers, Led an 18-plane strike group in successfully bombing a heavily defended thermal power plant. The Navy Cross was established by Act of Congress (Public Law 65-253) and approved on February 4, 1919. Vietnam War - Navy Cross Listed below are the recipients of the Navy Cross awarded for valor during the Vietnam War. [9] On July 23, 2004, he signed with the Italian team Scafati Basket. Tyrone Power was one of the great romantic swashbuckling stars of the mid-twentieth century, and the third Tyrone Power of four in a famed acting dynasty reaching back to the eighteenth century. After crawling 20 meters to a wounded Marine and stopping the bleeding, he was in the process of dragging the man back to cover when he was mortally wounded. mortar round out of an ammunition supply point, Machine gunner who personally killed 40 enemy troops. [6], Washington played with Galatasaray of the Turkish Basketball League in the 20032004 season. Led eight jet attack aircraft over 600 miles to bomb a heavily defended area, during which he was shot down and captured as a POW. It is received by personnel who distinguish themselves for extraordinary heroism in combat with an armed enemy force. Despite being seriously wounded by an enemy grenade, he continued fighting from his foxhole and killed an enemy in hand-to-hand combat. Even though I didn't have the honor of serving with you in this life, I look forward to meeting you in Heaven someday. He volunteered to surgically remove a live 60-mm. Led his platoon against an enemy bunker complex overlooking the landing zone, destroying several enemy positions. He was killed the following day while leading the final assault against the enemy. Dabney was the son-in-law of. He assumed the role of senior advisor for a Vietnamese Ranger Battalion, and despite being mortally wounded, he persisted in killing 10 more of the enemy. Delivered devastating fire on the enemy using a grenade launcher, a machine gun and a rifle despite being seriously wounded, While the Company First Sergeant, he rallied his Marines in repulsing numerous NVA attacks, Led two amphibian tractors in gaining fire superiority over the enemy during an ambush and evacuating wounded Marines, Despite being seriously wounded at the beginning of an ambush, he directed the fire of his patrol gunboat and defeated the enemy, Assumed command of his platoon when the platoon leader was killed, and later placed his own body between his wounded Marines and the enemy and provided covering fire, Flew his A-6 in a single-plane night attack against a heavily defended port facility and successfully bombed the target, Led his company in repulsing an NVA attack, accounting for 62 enemy soldiers killed, Placed his patrol craft between two fellow Sailors who were blown from another boat into the river and enemy positions and successfully rescued them, Directed the evacuation of the wounded and then led the assault on an enemy position despite being wounded multiple times, Place himself between his point man and the enemy and was wounded while delivering suppressive fire.