Haier RJ. Boy, 11, gets 'highest possible IQ score' to beat geniuses like Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein Mensa is the largest and oldest high-IQ society in the world. (1986). Correction: as if he were, not as if he is.. When the IQ test was developed, the mean of the normal distribution was arbitrarily placed at 100. So any questions on an IQ test should add points to the ones you got right. I also understood everything arohnd around the time i was 8 months old. More specifically, where did you get the number 190 for Philip Emeagwali? Pick your battles. The fact that you make that kind of false statement proves it. I learned the moves from my mother, then worked with my father and later trainers. But my greatest strength is as an artist. Your IQ score is still a measure of how you compare to others in your peer group. William James Sidis (1898 1944) was gifted from an extremely young age. It just pains me the way that people hate people with a higher IQ than them, and that they regard eachother with such disdain. Take Jack Ma for example, his IQ is not at all high, he barely graduated from a community college with a bachelors in english. Or the basic moderate Muslim forced to act and think stupid regardless of whether they had a brain with a mind when they were born. I am currently working in my spare time on how to convert SWOT analysis with regards to anti-fragility. Lucky Block New Cryptocurrency with $750m+ Market Cap Lists on LBank, a score over 140 would indicate genius or near genius, Brain Building In Just 2 Weeks by Marilyn vos Savant, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Philip Emeagwali with scribbled Exxon-Mobil equations, increase your score by a few points on average, Genes Keep You On A Long Leash With Your Dog. Or a Democrat who might not realize its not a choice of sides but an age of maturity that makes the philosophical differences. Im a failure on almost every major aspect in life; love/marriage, career/money, fulfilling my parents/friends expectations, etc., but in 2019 I learned the concept of not to give a f*** about what others think about me and become more happy about myself, ever. That does not mean intelligence, for to measure intelligence, you would have to define it first. While it is vital for many functions, math alone is not a trustworthy barometer of high intellect; nor is mere textbook regurgitation (think Kim Peek). They have the right to judge. You can call me a genius, or a moron, and I do not care either way. WebThough a high IQ is not the only factor determining intelligence, it is a common measure used to describe a persons potential in life and diagnose certain intellectual disabilities. So do character, opportunity, and ambition, not to mention a little luck. Why? In the beginning of my sophomore year i got caught smoking a cig and got sent to continuation school. DOI: How IQ is measured and what the score indicates, aaidd.org/intellectual-disability/definition/faqs-on-intellectual-disability, indiatimes.com/news/world/mumbai-born-kashmea-wahi-is-an-11-year-old-who-beat-albert-einstein-and-stephen-hawking-with-her-iq-score-249305.html, health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/protecting-against-cognitive-decline, davidsongifted.org/search-database/entry/a10116. Note ages of kids vary. Credit: public domain / Wikimedia. His parents emigrated from Hong Kong to Australia. I read The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkein at age 4, and have now read several college textbooks on biology and chemistry. Sierra Leone - IQ of 91 Sierra Leone's flag. According to sources on Google, that means an IQ, as measured by a standardized MENSA test of 132 or more.. To prove my point, buy ANY Asian manufactured and packaged product and read the Consumer Instruction Booklet. Their English is almost ALWAYS convoluted, and thus un-readable. Thinking. I know, Im 62 and wiser. Long term memory does not become possible before ones brain develops to a certain point. I read two college textbooks on marine biology because I am interested in the material! I went and got 27 college credits in music and 19 in science and physics (aero as dad was a helicopter genius with many firsts) by graduation. If you actually managed that Id like to know how, I just turned 13 and a couple months ago was tested and got a 161. Forcing a person with a mind to break all the rules of reason and logic is the greatest persecution of our times. [Genius is the ability to comprehend reality significantly better than the average. Beware of the lesser among you, the mild tasting yogurt devoid of the tiniest bits of fruit. Read Genesis, chapter 1 until the seventh day. Nobody has an answer for that and just try to get someone to replicate the creation of life/protocell in a laboratory, it cant be done! I would work on it on week ends and after work! Its not her fault that this world is full of bigots who discriminate against anything from sexual orientation, race and gender to people with unusually high IQs and autistic people. Tell that to Subsaharan Africa, no wheel and no fire control at all, eating babies and cannibalizing other members of other tribes, humans with brain-eating prions and diseases to keep superior thinking productive worthy people away. With an average score of 91, it is regarded as a country with some most intelligent people on the continent. Some main characteristics of people with IQ 116 : - You have the ability to analyze complex technical information; after reading the tripe from your brain i decided that you are an insufferable ASS. Add those together and the smartest person in China should have an IQ of 196. You, my friend, are smarter than you think. I make Cs and Ds in class and I hit 200 on the school issued test which was the max so I dont think it ties in as much as many people think but it still means something. Yassss Agatha, I agree. Bad sense of humor really. Were both long-time engineers, & run our two corporations. Theres no telling what you can achieve regardless of IQ numbers. He founded Its your willingness to put in effort in everything that you do that counts. # who wants to think all the time . Not a genius, but Ill take it. IQ is not just patterns and realizations it is speed as well. What Do They Get Out Of It? I failed at being a man so I transitioned to a woman. Which means that North Americans simply dismiss the author as Uneducated and Third World . I am not a prodigy. If you are a kind, generous, hard-working person, you will be much more admired than you would be for having a high IQ. Steve, youre my new favourite person, lmao. I wasnt trying to gloat, and who are you to tell me that I shouldt be reading college text books because they are boring? So anyone saying they tested for IQ and got 161 or something and higher is most likely full of it. Its not impossible, but lets put it this way. Took an IQ test when 17 years of age. I am intrigued to learn from this comment that supposedly an SAT score can be directly converted to IQ. Im not in their target demographic, and as such, I dont think they are trying to speak to me. But keep up the good work (and make sure not to burn out, believe me it sucks)(also a lot of gifted children tend to develop a fear of failure or dont like being initially unsuccessful. But they have a bigger chance to be a better person sooner if they read/think and guided in the right direction. It is always advisable to learn two or more human languages, but mastering at least one is preferred. (2010). Not to mention, IQ scores dont stay the same. You must be SO SMART! IQ scores range from 0-200, with 0 being the minimum score A double PhD asked me what qualifications I had for all that. Three more promotions. I was always hunting for the king, for the mate. Mathematically speaking (therefore), the emotionally immature simply spend too many waking hours defending their ego to learn more during that time. These lesser-known individuals deserve recognition and thats what we hope to do here. But they must be taken with a huge pinch of salt. I have currently written 4 science fiction books and one on new age/spirituality/ channeling My interests include science, science fiction, Theosophy, trans personal psychology, trans-humanism, pantheism and googology. No one in my immediate family has it but me. I remember when I broke the record in college-level accounting. I hope you will all share your time here with me and tell others show great I am and if they want they can join us next time, aslong as they can handle me next time I come! My wife died in 2017, but I have a good retirement i ncome because of savings and investments. If you want to know what matters I will tell you what matters. I think they compete in different leagues, to begin with but highly awaited international contests are mixed i think. If it was a public school, records might be available at the administration offices of the school district, if not on file at the school. Keep up the great work!!! IQ is a measure of ability to conceptualize the complex and the abstract. IQ test am broked only 68 score Test again and 68 again. calm down your below average IQ score isnt that bad. If you know these terms without looking for the definition, then your IQ is close to mine (168). I am trying to create my own IQ test which will show a lot more than pictures of blocks. It is puzzling to me that those who publish such lists of High I.Q. Who is so stupid that he would create a human being like us. Ok wow, I didnt think my comment would start a full-on war yeeeeezus christ I wrote this over a year ago and just came back to it when I searched my name on Google just to see what came up, and this was one of the first results. Learn about its symptoms in children and, This learning style is often referred to as learning with the hands or physical learning. Many fail in all that life has to offer but excel in one or a few areas. of a County Wildlife Association, Director to the Provincial Federation, Joined a social Square dance group and in a yer my wife and I were leaders in their administration. Derrrr, Actually dyslexics have better memory than most people. I feel stupid and dumb, and reading comments like yours made me feel like, well, a failure. He was a once in a generation scientist who perfectly balanced his scientific endeavors along with connecting science to the general public. Thats amazing!!! Im both intrigued and appalled by the level of narcissism on it. He attempted a political career but died young (at age 46), penniless. 10 years later I tested 128. My conclusion is that intelligence and God should not be discussed in the same context , at all for the simple reason that there is no God .. or there have been thousands of Gods created by people with higher intelligence and fantasy. See I can play make believe on the internet too! While that may not seem like a lot, the steps below will help keep you sharp and focused, even at an older age. She is now considered to be one of the strongest female chess players of all time. Hi, Im 11 and I have an IQ of 156. Focus on problem solving, your ability to critically think and empathize with others. It can be challenging and isolating to have a high IQ. Nope. people decline at the slowest rate. Im unemployed and have syruggled with addiction most of my adult life. I had joined our local Militia Unit, and soon qualified Sgt, and working with a regular Force Unit, qualified as a sniper. Not accurate, I know I was flawless and answered all questions perfectly, and I mean perfectly, better then anyone has answered before believe me. I went through the same things, though I was able to blend in a little by trying to appear less intelligent most of the time. He thought I should do more farm work. I have an IQ of 146. Even now, they will not study to learn more facts before responding (to me or this article); the ego demands a swift rebuttal; it must be defended at all costs. Wealth/Net Worth and IQ are not correlated. Further, the fact that the authors name is Juan Ramos in no way allows readers to assume *anything* about him. Im pretty sure that online tests are wrong because I took one, (keeping in mind at Im only fifteen years old), and I got an IQ of 140. Basically, a high IQ means your score is higher than that of most people in your peer group. Everything is funny but most of all know this, High IQ is hell on the planet of the ape level intelligence, and lonely, and no guarantee of material success, other than myself because I well nevermind, AND we all make mistakes unrelated to the high-speed high-resolution minds we have that often know the answer before the question. Id estimate him to have been around a 90 at best. I finished the first, in about 1 1/2 hours, then noted the friend ws studying the ceiling. I think the answer is two deviations above average. Mensa, a member organization that restricts applicants based on their score, requires an IQ of 132 for entrance . Once you get an IQ score of 110 you begin to take note. Hence obtaining correct answers with no memory. Thats not to say that you were trying to be mean, but some people are not born with genius abilities, and what you said might make them feel stupid or inferior. I became depressed and the business failed in 1987. There are geniuses in this family for 1400 years. I can fix anything. Any intelligent God would have found a better alternative. For the most part, IQ is generally considered stable throughout life. If it is a test, an individual can prepare for it. I found this place by accident, I was actually googled about something entirely different, but I found the comment sections very interesting. Because SUE it is very hard to develop a cure to a never before seen virus in little time. Im just saying, if you were as mature as you deem yourself to be, you would have constructed the comment in a slightly less offensive way in order to not make the people with average IQ not feel bad. If you think about it, many smart kids have smart parents. All truly intelligent people know this fact; not impacted in any way egocentrically, truly intelligent people are more like a calculator; their brains process the data, and have no emotional attachment to said results (think fictional character, Sheldon Cooper; BBT-fame). Im a recent graduate of Mathematics (graduated last year), a writer, speaker and currently taking a course in Investment Banking. Maybe, I should wonder if, when I was a child, would I have easily lied?, you all are telling them how amazing they are. If you were to find a gold nugget in your backyard, would you not doubt its authenticity? Stfu. One is a doctor. IQ scores can be affected by factors such as: Whatever your IQ, it cant accurately predict how your life will turn out. The Emotional Experience Of Providing Social Support. (top 10% of the average population) I studied for 3 associate Diplomas in Chemistry, Biology and Library technician studies. I doubt it. I thought I had a very high IQ. 132 is the point at which you can get into a SOCIETY for individuals with a high IQ. I will remember each of you and am glad you all came for me, the looks on your faces when I first got up you were cheering me on, you all waited for your turn and I was so perfectly amazing as always not one person here can say it was all worth it, the ride of a lifetime from start to finish it was the best trip and finished with you all having big smiles and happy you scored and I scored alot, more then anyone ever it was great! Thats because god has the highest IQ in the universe, I have an IQ of 148 but have never completed a course in education. I have a shot memory most of the time. The author of this article does not understand what IQ represents. Wow you are obviously jealous Pressley. Thanks for your comment Bill, weve gone through and edited the article for grammar/spelling. His score was estimated to be between 250-300 IQ points. Later asked him how long it took for him, he replied about the same as you. When someone realises that, he will also realize that the Mensa IQ tests may actually not be 100% accurate. William James Sidis IQ was not clearly identified. They are painfully awkward at talking and dont understand simplistic human emotions. IQ, Some believe that children with ADHD are smarter than those without the condition. Thanks. Although test with an IQ of 186, I concur that there is too high a deviation with any testing above 140 or so. Unlike you though, I learned its okay to be me now with only a very superior IQ. Yeah leave her alone and read your Genius, a divine book packed full of useful information for the information space age we live in today. IS is about as useful as ACT and SAT to determine if someone will actually persevere and finish what they started. Johann Goethe Johann Goethe was a German polymath who lived in the 1800s, and his estimated IQ score ranged from 210 to 225. I know that sounds arrogant, but just as I could not be a diplomat in the Eighteenth Century without speaking French, you cannot negotiate the 21st Century successfully without speaking (and writing) English. Go do the math (s)! I found out through the test for gifted at my school because we have a certified psychologist do it. It is not brilliance by any stretch of the imagination but it fit the narrative our elitists are happy to preach. Only had 5 kids so needed something to do. Even if you have a high IQ, and its also pretty obvious you really lack in emotional maturity. Bill is no go to ball with laugh be he bill and no ball. Very silly article. Garry became the youngest World Chess Champion in 1985 when he was 22 years old. I dont get involved with them but I will continue paying my membership just to have the membership card in my wallet. No it doesnt. Average group I was tested as a child and scored 118. Next, enough neurological development has to occur in both the motor cortex as well as the muscles of the mouth and face and larynx in order to physically produce the sounds required for speech. The original scale of IQ scores, as devised by Terman, proposes several different classifications. We had our debacles and tirades fro al the wannabes. I cant imagine being a genius with IQ over 160their life must be lonely I dont even have that high IQ and I already feel lonely because I dont have mentally-equaled friends to talk about deep thoughts/feelings from dusk till dawn in real life. I mean an 11 year old wouldnt lie on the internet. WebPeople with average IQ have scored around 15115; Individuals with 71 to 84 IQ scores have a below-average IQ level; Lastly, persons who have scored 170 have the low mental ability The highest possible IQ score is theoretically infinite. What IQ tests test. My reading interests and ability was high, and many feel were above the ability of many of the teachers. And i need to stress that IQ is nothing, i have been proven to be much superior in all ways to my 170-180 IQ schoolmates. Hence, we recommend taking some of the numbers below with a grain of salt. I can answer questions that none else in the world can answer. He was able to speak when he was only 6 months old and was a self-taught reader at age 3. Credit: Gage Skidmore / Flickr CC BY-SA 2.0. You only need to be good enough for you dont sweat the small stuff. actually thats not 100% true, because my parents IQ level is a little bit over average and mine is 130, you dont get your intelligence from genetics, its about how you perceive things and how you learn. Juan is known for taking complex research and technology and presenting it in an easily digestible form for education. we can assume 225 to be the IQ of God. You showed the ability to question yourself and your abilities; that shows awareness. Well even if they did, they wouldnt be able to pass the first topic. Garry Kasparov. Have you taken an IQ test, if so, leave your IQ in the comments below? These creative people could then rule the world and are still ruling because of so many believing in sagas. After he was initially turned down when he was 6, William was finally admitted to Harvard University at the age of 11. Ironic how you are religious yet supposedly have an IQ of 300. genius with 300 iq equality not judged by what is in brain but how you use what is in your brain. Not to mention distributing it to everyone, and essentially making millions. Here is a list of the top 10: 1. Just as God doesnt _know_ truth, He is truth, I like the person who referred to God as Him. As soon as you put testicles on God, youre limiting God. Helen, thats AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! This is the highest iq level ever measured in the world. Come on my dear Derelict Lujine, what are you talking about? Youre probably pro male rainbow predatory rape as well, being a female with no idea of what is right for men and society. Recruited by an ultra-secretive IQ society at the age of two months, I quickly became its supreme leader. I already have a scholarship to the University of Michigan because of my PSAT score of 1460. Became secretary and then Pres. I suggest you take an English class where you are taught how to diagram sentences in English. WebBased on his own approach, Thims estimated that German Renaissance man Johann Goethe was the person with the highest IQ of all time, with a score ranging from 210 to Jesus Christ created each and every one of us and gave us each unique talents, gifts, and skills. My own daughter was saying basic words at 6 mo. You are displaying knowledge and memory, while the IQ test measures reasoning and problem solving, and NEITHER can totally display a complete intelligence measurement both because intelligence is relative and we are judging by human standards AND it is so fluid and contains so many variable aspects that it is nearly impossible to obtain a comprehensive measurement. Your IQ would not benefit you much if you do not have a very high EQ. I still did not have many friends and was lonely. Does it really matter? I took 3 different IQ tests. wow you are a very smart man or maybe lady (we dont judge). Are you really Donald Trump pretending to be someone else. I have two years of college and got average grades all through school. A score between 110 and 119 would indicate a superior intelligence; a score between 120 and 140 would mean a very superior intelligence; a score over 140 would indicate genius or near genius. 4.0 average in college and the equivalent in graduate school.