While the Brooks and Fosters have remained a part of the show in some fashion, it's the Abbott and Newman clans that have been drawing stories for years, with other families like the Winters and the Chancellors also taking center stage every once in a while. Jill accused him, he denied it. On her way out of town, Jill considered cancelling when Lauren was arrested, then she had words with Genevieve in the park over who was the worst mother which ended up a mud fight. Kay tried to assure Jill that she still loved her like a daughter, and that nothing needed to change, but Jill was having none of it, accusing Kay of marrying "trailer trash" just like she scorned Jill for being, so they ended up in a wedding cake fight at Billy and Chloe's wedding over it. The longest-running character, Jill was created and introduced by William J. It wasn't long before Gloria set her sights on the recently widowed DA, Will Bardwell, who had just come into an inheritance. Everyone else was eventually found with minor cuts and bruises, except the pilot had been killed, and Hilary was pinned under some wreckage. Lily slipped on the ice, and the twins carriage went careening down the steps, but Neil arrived in time to catch it and save the twins. Later, Jill fired Jack and Ashley, telling them they were living in the past and unable to embrace new ideas. Liz worked hard in a menial factory assembly line job at Chancellor Industries ever since her husband Bill abandoned her and her young children. Devon tries to be there for Neil when he learns Neil caused Nikki's car to hit Christine, resulting in her losing her baby. Well anyways, what if she did just that. Jill convinced Katherine to let her run it with her, and started dating Tucker. * Had an affair with Katherine's husband Phillip. Is Jill Abbott Katherine Chancellor's daughter? [FAQs!] As they waited to be found, Colin built a fire, sent up flares, and found blankets in the jet to keep them warm. Paul shut off the ballroom lights just as they scrambled for the gun, but Colin had caught it under his foot. After Jill first doubted his paternity on Young and the Restless, spoilers say she came around. The Co-CEO's became three, and competition among them was heightened. INTERVIEW: Y&R's Courtney Hope talks to Soap Central about Sally's who's the daddy drama! The next time Jill saw him though, she told Jeffrey to forget it, she was not interested in playing his games. On Valentines Day, Lily, Cane, Jill, Colin, and Devon were flying to Chicago on a private jet provided by a real estate mogul who wanted Chancellor to move to Chicago. She managed to be undiscovered for weeks until Gloria came in for a manicure and ridiculed her, threatening to tell everyone. Lily could see the greater attraction between Hilary and Devon. Jill figured out what Colin had done and was furious. Because when he was first born on Young and the Restless, spoilers recall Jill doubted that Nina Webster birthed a Chancellor child. So, he grew up without a dad. But Phyllis reminded her that none of them had ceased brain activity. And Barbara married Mark's brother Robert Mergeron. He had had a boatig accident, hit his head and lost his memory. Larry told her about his mother, who was upset with him when he first went to prison, but in the end forgave him and visited him often. Devon attended Nick's bachelor party along with Neil, Kevin, Cane, Michael, Noah, Jack, and Austin. It was not long before Jack and Jill were putting their heads together to come up with a way to get Chancellor-Newman away from Victor. typing on Victorias laptop, and having secretive meetings with Tucker, Billy rehired Jill and assigned her to investigate what was going on between Tucker and the Newmans. Cane finally discovered that he and Amber were not legally married, confronted her and made her sign an acknowledgement that she tricked him into marriage, then threw her out. Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman) previously stated that Locke tried to destroy his father's business. Sharon quickly decided to go to Crimson Lights instead. Colin was spotted in Buenos Aires, then sent Jill a single rose from Luxemburg. Melinda Fee (1984) So, that makes Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) his great-uncle. She rips into them both for betraying Neil. Billy was offered a lessor position under Lily but refused, still only interested in getting even with Victor and Adam. I can see everything," as he glared at Devon and Hilary. (March 2nd, 2022). Adriana worked with Katherine and continued to be Katherine's "memory" which was slipping drastically. Devon told Elena to move out and started to focus on Amanda. Jill Abbott - Wikipedia Total confusion about who was now in charge was calmed when Ashley Abbott arrived and announced that she was once again the rightful CEO of Jabot. Jill explained to Cane that she was only trying to give Cane and Lily more time, not making a power play. Being practically broke anyway having to finance the estate, Jill went for it to get her freedom. Victoria got bumped from her connecting flight from New York City, and Cane and Jill went on ahead. Cane went back to the cellar, found the vault and blew it open, finding the bank records which he turned over to Ronan. But he also heard the rumor that it was Marge who was killed, and that Kay was trying to convince everyone that she was still alive, so he instructed his cohort Roger Wilkes to woo Esther and marry her as fast as possible or he may have to do something to keep Kay from "coming back from the dead". Each of them spent some final time with Liz talking mostly about the past and Jill. However, the next day, Hilary visited Devon and reiterated that they should stay away from each other because they can't control their feelings. She was rescued by Jack and Police Detective Carl Williams. Candy Cane turned out to be Yolanda Hamilton, the biological mother of Genoa City local Devon Hamilton, making him Tucker's missing son. Jill inherited the Chancellor Estate but couldnt afford the upkeep. Jill told Jack about a cancer drug research company that Chancellor had acquired while she was working there called Bonaventure Industries, and her suspicions that they were cutting corners trying to stop their losses. Murphy gave Nikki a letter to read aloud that Katherine had penned for them which asked them to remember her spirit of hope and determination in life, not her death. The next time she came home, Jill revealed that she and Colin were on a break and she very quickly began dispensing advice to both Cane and Billy, as well as getting updates on all the Genoa City gossip. In August 2009, after a particularly vicious argument, Devon and Tyra Hamilton had sex on Devon's couch unaware that Devon's girlfriend, Roxanne, walked in and discovered them in the act. Once Jeffrey met Angelo, although he told no one, Jeff remembered Angelo making him empty the cash drawer at Gloworm. Devon was thrilled to realize that his "cousin" Ana was his half sister and he quickly assumed the role of older brother. The next morning, Jill realized that she still wanted it and went back, but it was gone. Following Katherines death, Jill was puzzled by the cryptic messages she left behind. Reminiscing with Jack at the bar, Jill asked Jack if he would like to join her for trip to San Trope. Billy went ballistic as Jill informed him that he and Cane would be Co-CEO's of Brash & Sassy until Billy could prove himself competent. Jill and Kay flew to South Dakota and met JoAnn "JoJo" Glover, proprietor of JoJos Bail Bonds. She perished in a car accident at the young age of 30 along with the couple's 1-year-old daughter Naomi. Mariah fought with Abby. He said that their final stop had been Hong Kong where they met up with Tucker for dinner, which was cordial, almost pleasant. Traci Abbott (Beth Maitland) always seemed to be the black sheep of the family. Jill eventually found herself working for Jabot, and began dating the cosmetics companys owner, John Abbott. Kay was there for Jill as she tried to recover from being duped by Colin, and they dealt with their feelings for the Cane, the man they had thought of as a son and grandson. But in 2003 it was disclosed that Jill was adopted. Although John wasn't keen on the idea of having another child at his age, he was granted custody of Billy after catching Jill engaged in an affair with Jed Sanders. First, his wife Hilary and their unborn child were killed in a car accident. Katherine began having some recurring memory loss, but was covering it up pretty well. Originally portrayed by Brenda Dickson, when Dickson departed in 1980, the role was first recast with Deborah Adair. She later discovered expensive jewelry hidden in a chandelier left to her by Katherine worth a fortune. The Young And The Restless' Chancellor Family Tree Explained - TheList.com Jess Walton, Bio, Wiki, Age, Husband, Young And The Restless, Net Worth After this invalidated Jills claim on Jabot and Victor turned her down to work at Newman, she teamed up with Gloria and Jeffrey, since Gloria cannot access all the money she was paid for her shares, to get back at Victor for using them all. Thanks to a comment from Cane, Billy made Jill admit how Victor had coerced her into firing everyone at Jabot, stealing the Abbott family company away from them, and putting Billy in charge as a figurehead. . get custody of Reed. Jill liked Kay as well, and was very supportive in Kay's struggle with alcohol. Amber found Cane whose adopted mother was named Violet. In front of everyone, Neil exposed Devon and Hilary's affair. Soaps.com is a part of Penske Media Corporation. The wedding was beautiful. After that failed, Gloria appeared to have given up on her life of trickery and went to Jill for a job at the nail salon where she was sweeping floors. Neil accepted the consequences of his actions, and willingly went with Devon, even though Hilary begged Devon not to turn Neil in. Then Phillip dropped the bomb on Nina, telling her that another reason he was so desperate to die or to leave was that he was, and is, gay! But Lauren told Jill she was not interested in welcoming her to the family, so Jill consulted a lawyer about her legal options. Obviously, Young and the Restless spoilers tell us Chance Chancellor had a major case of SORAS (soap opera rapid aging syndrome). To show her gratitude, and to provide security around the Estate now filled with only women since Sean had moved out, Kay offered Ex-Con turned pussycat, Larry Warton, the garage apartment to live. Victoria and Jill hovered over a comatose Billy who had injuries to his cervical spine and direct trauma to his skull. Jill countered with a price that was way too high as a bluff, but Jack accepted it. Katherine's book of memoirs "Live Until I Die" came out in time for Christmas 2008. Jill and Colin eventually come across Neil's briefcase and discover family photos inside. Billy confronted Chloe the next day accusing her of just wanting to bag a Chancellor. Her step-children Gina and Danny received a one-half of one percent in cash. Jill said it just breaks her heart to see how he was screwing up his life. That five percent, in addition to a Ming vase, was left to Gloria as both were given to her by John Abbott. Murphy later delivered letters from Katherine to each of her loved ones. After the play, Billy was driving Delia home and stopped for ice cream. All Rights Reserved. Jeff asked Gloria to start over together and they were remarried by Little Richard in Las Vegas. Although Jill and Colin gushed with claims that they were still in love, viewers saw flashbacks to Colin being the one who kidnapped Jill and had coerced her into marrying him so that he could stay in the country legally, complete with a prenup giving him 50% of everything Jill owned if they divorced. Phillip asked the hospital chaplain to marry them, and soon afterward Phillip died. Kay escaped, but the roommate's body was identified as Kay because she was wearing Kay's ring. When Kay found out about Tucker and Jills relationship, she accused Jill of being in on his plot, and fired her from Jabot and Chancellor. Billy and his mother shared a tearful parting although Jill still felt he was making a mistake. Devon and the rest of the Winters confronted Carmen Mesta regarding her behavior towards their family, including her advances towards Neil. When he confronts her about it, she breaks down and finally admits that she is still in love with him. Murphy asked everyone to forgive her and to remember the love and special moments that she had shared with each of them. Katherine went in for her surgery to remove the tumor and have it biopsied. With his love life in such disarray, Devon still managed to find time to be Abby's sperm donor, with Mariah as the surrogate. Nick and Sharon arrived, and Sharon met with Mr. Mitsukoshi himself and secured the exclusive rights for Newman because of their prior relationship when she had been the Beauty of Nature spokesperson. In March of 2018 Leslie and Lorie Brooks returned to Genoa City for the Walnut Grove Centennial Reunion, and were sitting at the bar of the Genoa City Athletic Club as Jill walked in. Jill was miffed that everyone seemed to know but her that Chance had not died, but was just relived to have him back. Lily quickly becomes enraged and tries to physically attack Hilary. Jill admitted that she was scared to love him, because she could not trust him. Esther and Jill had a rough time getting used to being housemates rather than maid and owner, but Esther held her ground. Michael found an engraving which said the music box had been made in Geneva Switzerland, and he urged Jill to go there and look for more clues. I think that they could be a possibility too. Her doctor found scarring of the uterus after her miscarriage left her unable to carry a baby. With her knowledge of all things in the mansion, Jill enlisted Esther to help her try to solve the puzzle ahead of Colin. Colin asks what is in the briefcase and tries to imply Neil brought a bomb on the plane. They discussed their plan to convince everyone that Lily was insane, so that they could return to Australia with the twins. Then Jack chose Genevieve as the new Jabot Cosmetics director of marketing. Originally, the role was portrayed by Brenda Dickson, who departed in 1980, and it was first recast by Deborah Adair. Ronan and Chance met them outside. Abby had too much drink and bashed Sharon for marrying Nick again because Sharon married Adam Nick, Abby's father Victor, Nick againetc. that they had to let the people who love us get us through it. Jill confronted the slimy Elliott, but he conned her with excuses and charm. Jill took up for Tucker and tried to get Katherine to reconcile with him. Children of The Young and the Restless - Soap Opera Wiki Is B&B prepping to revisit the Carter/Katie romance that almost was? Through the help of psychic Silvia Brown whose card reading turned into a sance with Jill's dead son Phillip, Kay began to remember a ring and a scene where she was handing over a baby. Colin called out, and Genevieve appeared telling him that she was there for revenge and justice. Devon made Nate his COO and renamed LP Streaming to Hamilton Streaming to honor his mother. Another DNA test proved it. Family Trees: Scan the many branches of the Foster family tree. Jill and Colin went home to the Chancellor estate covered in blood, and told Kay, Murphy, and Billy that Cane was dead. Victor_Newman Meanwhile Jill, after overhearing Colin's suspicious phone call and being warned by Cane, coaxed Colin to bed and handcuffed him, then called the police. Cane called "his uncle Langley" in Australia saying, "Phillip, your wife is going to find out you're still alive", but he told Cane not to worry, it would lead nowhere and blow over. Colin returned to find Lily hovering over an awakened Jill, who was skeptical of Colin's claimed innocence. When John passed away, he was none the wiser about his daughter's true paternity. Mother slams 'despicable' Biden for laughing about her sons' fentanyl She appointed Cane as CEO of Jabot, and had her other son, Billy, return to town. Three months later at 8:00 P.M. during an ominous thunderstorm, Jill, Victor and Nikki, Cane and Lily, Esther, Chloe, Devon, and Kevin gathered in the Chancellor living room having each received instructions by mysterious postcards from Katherine which arrived from locations around the world.
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