$img = j('
').attr('src', src).on('load', function() { Dalton Hillard (19) 500 block of Bergen St. Distribution within 500 feet of a public park, (14) year-old male 400 block of Monmouth St.
// make scrolling gallery fit width of parent var alertEmailCannotBeBlank = "Email Address must not be blank. EAGLES SUPER BOWL PARADE YOUR MONEY (2927) HOME COUNTRY (3) Home; Today's Globe; . var hostName = ".gloucestercitynews.net/clearysnotebook/"; var allowAnonComments = '0'; Burkhardt said the following individuals were charged:
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Det. http://www.gloucestercitynews.net/clearysnotebook/2018/02/a-parade-to-remember-forever-.html }); Search warrants were then executed at an apartment on Annabelle Avenue in Hamilton. "; Powered by Typepad
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var TPConnect = {}; Patrick Lavery is a reporter and anchor for New Jersey 101.5. 194 of 415. var emailRequired = 0; g = parseInt(result[2], 16); //MASONRY (15) year-old male 300 block of Cumberland St. September 2022 } try{s('F9340_sb');}catch(e){};try{fbz_FitForm('F9340_sb');}catch(e){}var F9340_sb_fieldcol='#000000'; var msnry = $ctCollContainer.data('masonry');
var entryPermalink = "https://www.gloucestercitynews.net/clearysnotebook/2020/10/drug-investigation-in-gloucester-city-terminated-with-arrests-of-two-adults-and4-juveniles.html";
The biggest N.J. drug busts of 2018 - nj.com
Possession of drug paraphernalia
changeCols(); It's our right to delete such comments and block repeat offenders. How A South Jersey Drug Ring Was Taken Down
executed simultaneous search warrants at residences in the 500 unit block of Bergen Street, the 400 unit block of Monmouth Street and 300 unit block of Market Street, culminating an investigation into the distribution of narcotics.
meteoblue According to documents filed in this case: From June 2018 through May 2019, the defendants and others engaged in a heroin trafficking conspiracy in the areas of Stuyvesant Avenue, Hoffman Avenue and Highland Avenue in Trenton, as well as in the area of Barbary Road in Philadelphia, according to the release. Prescription drugs and drug paraphernalia Authorities charged Camden residents Felix Cruz-Ventura, 42, Daniel Garcia, 41, and Jennifer Gonzales, 30, as well as Randy Mora, 35, of Gloucester. published Gloucestercitynews.net October 15, 2020
Employing juvenile in drug distribution(two counts)
NJ drug bust in Lumberton nets weed, other drugs, $243,000 *ATTENTION GLOUCESTER CITY RESIDENTS GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP (1148) Ofc. j('.widgets').outerHeight(c_hgt); Hawks (86) Where the juveniles released? Westville (244) Sign up for free Patch newsletters and alerts. Gloucester City is a suburb of Philadelphia with a population of 11,438. // console.log("sh_hgt: "+sh_hgt+" c_hgt: "+c_hgt+" body width: "+b_wdth); c_hgt = j('.left-container-inner').outerHeight(); Camden County (6336) var use_recaptcha = 0; var target = j(this.hash); CRIME : "http://www. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Possession of CDS
William E. Cleary Sr. | CNBNews
(GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ)(October 15, 2020)--Members of the Gloucester City Police Department along with federal authorities and the Camden County Sheriff's Department conducted a simultaneous drug raid last week in Gloucester City. }, 1000); Just as we share articles , graphics and photos always giving credit to their creators when available. var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? 400 Monmouth St. 08030 (space donated) In addition to the narcotics, authorities also seized four vehicles, several flat screen televisions, computers and studio recording equipment in connection to the investigation. CAMDEN, N.J. - Eighteen alleged members of two drug trafficking operations based in Gloucester City and Camden have been charged in connection with their roles in distributing drugs, including high-dosage oxycodone pills, U.S. Attorney Craig Carpenito announced today. (GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ)(October 15, 2020)--Members of the Gloucester City Police Department along with federal authorities and the Camden County Sheriff's Department conducted a simultaneous drug raid last week in Gloucester City. Said original material may be shared with attribution.
By a simple count ignoring population, more crimes occur in the west parts of Gloucester City, NJ: about 68 per year. Possession of drug paraphernalia
j('.overlay-text').css('background', 'rgba(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ',0.7)'); j(window).load(function(){ (function($) {
/* One police department estimated that enough drugs to kill 500,000 people were found. }); The heroin, cocaine, and crack reached into Camden and beyond, spilling into Lindenwold, Gloucester City, and Sicklerville. Gloucester City is in Camden County. Guest Opinion: Another Turnpike Bad Deal Tim Ryder
Authorities have announced the arrests or indictments of a total of 18 people over the past 24 hours connected to three big New Jersey drug busts.
Obituaries (6049) THE STORY BEHIND THE STORY (97) var captchaImgAttempts = 0; The Hamilton Police Department said the amount of fentanyl found in "Capital Co-Op" could kill 500,000 people. triggered = 1; Where the adults released on bail and if so how much? Top CNBNews Tips and Snippets
These investigations are ongoing and I wouldnt be able to release more specific information at this time without compromising them. else { var xid = ""; GLOUCESTER, Va. (WVEC) -- More than half a dozen people are facing charges following a 5-month investigation into the distribution of prescription drugs. BREAKING NEWS (209) Officer Down Memorial Page
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Gloucester City, NJ Real Estate & Homes For Sale Sort: New Listings 24 homes $140,000 2bd 1ba 884 sqft 111 Park Ave, Gloucester City, NJ 08030 Thomas E Lillie Realty NEW - 12 HRS AGO $249,000 3bd 2ba 1,515 sqft 1516 Market St, Gloucester City, NJ 08030 RE/MAX Community-Williamstown NEW OPEN SAT, 1-3PM COMING SOON 3/1 $205,000 3bd 1ba 1,176 sqft }); var registrationOptional = 1; Burkhardt said, "Unfortunately, we arent permitted to release mug shots anymore.
var extra_happy = Math.floor(1000000000 * Math.random()); Investigators arrested two men and seized an estimated 11. Carl DePoder
Is Growing, Data Shows, Person Shot During Police Encounter At South Jersey Rest Stop: AG, Protect Your Home from Ticks with Yard Guard from Viking Pest, Cherry Hill Man Charged With Murder Of Camden County Woman, Gloucester Township Area Pets Who Need A Home: Dogs, Cats, More, 5 Gloucester Township Area Open Houses Coming Up Soon, Dogs, Handlers From South Jersey Offer Emotional Support Across US. 606 W. Nicholson Road Audubon, NJ 08106. msnry.on( 'layoutComplete', function( msnryInstance, laidOutItems ) {
Gloucester City High School (1050)
600 Pounds Of Pot, Fentanyl, Cocaine Seized In Jersey Shore Bust 30 people charged in N.J. drug bust, including three who allegedly .380 caliber handgun reported stolen out of South Carolina; Paraphernalia consistent with the packaging and preparation of drugs.
Contact Us At
They will never go away. Terry Robinson was taken into custody at the Annabelle Avenue apartment, where officers found him packaging heroin, and charged him with multiple first and second-degree drug offenses for his role in the operation. St. Mary's Church News (space donated) Major Drug Ring Operating in Gloucester City & Camden City is Busted; 18 Arrested
Possession of drug paraphernalia
})(jQuery); Chopper 6 was over the scene on Wednesday as police,.
[email protected] on Gloucester City St. Patricks Day Parade Parking Restriction if(mod_pos == 'side') { j(this).addClass('currentnav'); published Gloucestercitynews.net October 15, 2020
GUEST OPINION/EDITORIAL (2058) Where the juveniles released? In another case, an alleged drug dealer was indicted Wednesday in connection with the seizure of more than 15,000 doses of heroin by the New Jersey State Police and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal announced. }); CNBNews/ClearysNoteBook Your email address:*
Posted by CNBNewsnet on Thursday, October 15, 2020 at 01:23 PM in Blue Line, BREAKING NEWS, City of Gloucester City, CNB CRIME , DELAWARE, Gloucester City NEWS, Mount Ephraim , New Jersey , New Jersey CENTRAL, NORTH JERSEY, PHILLY & PA. NEWS, South Jersey | Permalink Rent Trends. Consumidor Punta (128) How A South Jersey Drug Ring Was Taken Down
NJ man busted with 30 pounds of cocaine hidden in wheelchair CNBNEWS/Gloucester City Search Where Can I Watch Cryptocurrency Quotes Online? When did it begin? The Eagles Parade Of Champions from Thursday resonates like no day in the history of the City of Philadelphia (photo credit) Amanda Stevenson Lupke
Copyright 2021 Submit j('#previous_story').stop(true, true).fadeOut(); (14) year-old male 400 block of Monmouth St. c_hgt = j('.left-container-inner').outerHeight(); Criminal charges were also unsealed Wednesday against 11 people who are allegedly part of a conspiracy to distribute significant quantities of heroin in New Jersey, U.S. Attorney Craig Carpenito announced. } Is Jorge Lopez a U.S. citizen? THE MYSTERY CONSUMER (1434) var commentFooterLinks; AMERICAN HERO (5) TCNJ/The College of NJ (168) Get the latest New Jersey Local News, Sports News & US breaking News. return entryUrl + "?cid=" + xid + "#comment-" + xid; .F9340_sb_fbz_fieldlabeltext {color:#000000;}
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CNBNews Twitter Where the adults released on bail and if so how much? No threats needed or lawsuit required. .F9340_sb_fbz_fieldtext, .F9340_sb_fbz_fieldlabeltext {padding-top:0.7em;padding-bottom:0.7em;color:#000000;}
Atlantic/Cape May COUNTIES (715) Consumer News (11679)
If you have an issue with anything posted here or would prefer we not use it . Gloucester Township Schools Set For $7.1M Bump In State Aid, Average Property Tax Bill In Gloucester Twp. itemSelector: '.module', "It was pitch dark." var recaptcha_publickey = "6Ldg1s4SAAAAAEvvZX2ILFkWp7KB-jjdL4v0JV2e"; Jorge Lopez (42) 300 block of Market St. j('.widgets').outerHeight(col_hgt); var alertUnauthorizedAction = "The comments on this post are closed.
Ashley Lopez, 26, West State Street, Trenton Charged with multiple first and second-degree drug charges (Date of arrest 5/9/19).
Avg. var msgPostReplyTo = "Reply to "; MEMBER OF N.J. NEWS COMMONS Science/Medicine (1193)
Drug Crimes.
Drug Investigation in Gloucester City Terminated, Two Adults, 4 Juveniles Arrested Minimum Deposit Casino Let's talk. 1261 Chews Landing Road Laurel Springs, NJ 08021 . //TALL COLUMNS bg = j('#banner').css('background-image'); Gloucester City Police Department officers participating in this operation: CNBNEWS NOTE: THOSE CHARGED ARE PRESUMED INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE, published Gloucestercitynews.net October 15, 2020, Posted by CNBNewsnet on Thursday, October 15, 2020 at 01:23 PM in Blue Line, BREAKING NEWS, City of Gloucester City, CNB CRIME , DELAWARE, Gloucester City NEWS, Mount Ephraim , New Jersey , New Jersey CENTRAL, NORTH JERSEY, PHILLY & PA. NEWS, South Jersey | Permalink Burkhardt said, "Unfortunately, we arent permitted to release mug shots anymore. Possession of drug paraphernalia
}); var j = $.noConflict(true);
New Jersey State Prison: OFFENSE: Hindering Apprehension - 3rd Degree, 5 years , 2 years 6 . This is the official Facebook page of the Gloucester City Police Department. Burkhardt said, "Unfortunately, we arent permitted to release mug shots anymore.
sh_hgt = j('.widgets-inner').prop('scrollHeight'); Gloucester Township police say they found plenty of narcotics inside the apartment while executing a search warrant: more than 250 bags of heroin, 118 prescription pills, marijuana and fentanyl . When East Meets West (191) j('.widgets').outerHeight(col_hgt); Distribution within 500 feet of a public park
SPORTS Rams Alumni (840) Bellmawr (1934) Local Search Site Search. "; Major Drug Ring Operating in Gloucester City & Camden City is Busted; 18 Arrested
Possession of drug paraphernalia, (15) year-old male 300 block of Cumberland St. No threats needed or lawsuit required.
var result = /^#? Reception Honoring the Late Dr. Joseph Pitone Held at Jefferson Stratford Hospital, Hundreds Attend Jefferson Health New Jersey Gala Kool & The Gang Headline Fundraising Event, SJ Community Members Invited to Enroll in Course to Assist Spanish-Speaking Patients in Navigating the Healthcare System, New Interventional Radiology Lab Opens at Jefferson Cherry Hill Hospital.